Message from @Ladyhawktlc
Discord ID: 455428047668117504
For @Holly Engel
A Quiet office and Soapbox not a good combo.😅
THE WELCOME voice chat has NOTHING to do with the LIVE CHAT
OK - so lets be clear - the backup site is al jazeera?
Back to my rabbit hole 🐇
Why do they care if muh Q is a LARPer? @Positive Explorer
I want to know why the government does not protect witnesses. Those people would not be killed before they testify if they were protected.
Praying medic is the future - YT will be a footnote in his biography
@V77 read what praying medic said utube is taking down his vids for no reason
A TV Commercial is a PsyOp
A web add is a PsyOp
@foilhat - psyops are about controlling the noosphere - i learned that today too
Can someone else get the live chat up again, someone trusted take control
well, the fact is that we use them all the time for good for bad
for inbetween
We really need to empty Soros pockets. Stop Meddling in elections around the World.🤖
@gavin giant have to wait for a new stream
Takai is a cucklord
No worries @Fremp
Actually, Takai is right about the bankrupt part
he has a point
thanku dina - fresh info
most don't really get that
He may be right about that, but I won’t forget all of his other bashing’s
They can try to silence us but we the people are growing everyday and Donald Trump is President. 💥 @Positive Explorer