Message from @TomCatTrump(USA)
Discord ID: 456185032978071553
just looked in by reqiest WWGOWGA
@TeaCakes of Yorkshire it really doesn’t take long.
@TeaCakes of Yorkshire can you post this in yt chat LOL
@V77 yeah i know just spread thin as it is
Going live soon
@boaznerd ok going back now
@V77 i didn't reply as I was off reading an article or more that I clicked on and a sharing them on twitter...I'm not expected to keep up with the thread???
wow, everybody is here, lol hey boaz and truffles 😀
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@TeaCakes of Yorkshire miss ya. @boaznerd 🥨
@Holly Engel no. You fine.
and Dave 😀
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I know it may be a stretch, but I wonder if there is any correlation between Wollongong and WWG1WGA.
Whuddup @Phenom-anon 😄
@V77 speak later
Inspector General Releases the Exact Time You Can See Thursday's BIG Report on FBI Corruption – True PunditTrue Pundit
Can i make a general comment? I know of at least two anons who got booted for not "toing the party line" as regards Q- i am sure they were hothouse flowers but their contributiond were material to say the least - maybe a little more tolerance for those with an artistic ddisposition?????????
@SCPatriot excuse me baca sent to everyone about me being a I replied to get support truth and settle this, I'm sorry if I interrupted your time.
Just coming in and catching up on today ; ) another great day to be alive.
@Adam 76Anon I’ve seen that a few times on here
oh boy..reading that schumer story should make me laugh, but the humpty dumpty reference is sad..
@dumpster seems you are becoming rather outspoken.... *cracks whip* !!!! LOL <:trumpPunch:430910389748760587>
@gavin giant Yeah, I made it