Message from @Dizzy Kincade
Discord ID: 459802715313143818
Seems the muh dreamer thing is from the United Nations
I hate Wasps
@Dizzy Kincade #metoo
Bees and hornets. Screw them...
I NEVER got stung, till 2 years ago. Now it’s every time I mow
here is his channel
Anyone wana venture a guess as to the over/under on House/Senate after 2018 votes?
I think we might lose 2-6 seats in House and gain 1-4 in senate
Holy shit
1984 level stuff.
@Willfully Deplorable that’s hilarious
Not gonna lie. Melania is wicked sexy
@trusty rusty ✌ I can’t believe some people would even think this is just punishment. What a waste of time and money.
The New Yorker used to be witty and clever.
@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** totally love it.
I don’t get it.
@silowetr I think you have @STEREO_OERETS[TAC1] muted and that's where the cross-talk is happening.
@V77 : Tards being Tards?
@MadderMartigan no not muted and i see his light
@Sparks2591 How do they make something so beautiful vile. 😤