Message from @V77

Discord ID: 460409386683334661

2018-06-24 11:29:47 UTC  

@ChavaAyanna ( USA ) No , I haven’t. I’ll have to see if I can find it on the web.

2018-06-24 11:29:58 UTC  

@Gadget Lady (CAN) They are twisted and degenerate. It’s been pushed on us through cultural Marxism. The social deconstruction of western culture and society.

2018-06-24 11:31:37 UTC  

@V77 I agree 100%

2018-06-24 11:34:49 UTC

2018-06-24 11:34:49 UTC  

I want a return to classical thought and ideas of beauty. 💯🌸

2018-06-24 11:34:55 UTC  
2018-06-24 11:35:53 UTC  

@Gadget Lady (CAN) --- Just go to YouTube & put in "" Fatherland 1994 Full Movie "" and it's there -- two YouTubers have it uploaded.......and thankfully YouTube hasn't taken it down yet

2018-06-24 11:36:50 UTC  

@ChavaAyanna ( USA ) Great. Thank you.

2018-06-24 11:36:56 UTC  

He belongs in jail for terroristic threats to our president and the people. @Gadget Lady (CAN)

2018-06-24 11:39:30 UTC  

@V77 I can’t understand how they can get away with threatening others.

2018-06-24 11:40:14 UTC  

@ChavaAyanna ( USA ) Hello. Why do you think YouTube would take the movie down? They constantly call American Patriots nazis? 🤔

2018-06-24 11:42:15 UTC  

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. refugee agency reported Tuesday that nearly 69 million people who have fled war, violence and persecution were forcibly displaced last year, a record for the fifth straight year.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said the continued crises in places like South Sudan and Congo, as well as the exodus of Muslim Rohingya from Myanmar that started last year, raised the overall figure of forced displacements in 2017 to 68.5 million.

2018-06-24 11:42:32 UTC  

Of that total, 16.2 million were newly displaced last year — an average of more than 44,000 people per day. Most have been displaced for longer than that, some forced to flee multiple times.
"The global figure has gone up again by a couple of million," said the High Commissioner, Filippo Grandi. "This is because of protracted conflicts and lack of solutions for those conflicts that continue, continuous pressure on civilians in countries of conflict that pushed them to leave their homes and new or aggravating crises, like the Rohingya crisis."

2018-06-24 11:42:50 UTC  

For the fourth year running, Turkey was again the country with the largest number of refugees — mostly Syrians — at 3.5 million at the end of 2017. The United States received the most new individual applications for asylum last year, at nearly 332,000. Germany was second at more than 198,000.

2018-06-24 11:43:17 UTC  

But UNHCR, Grandi's agency, said the figures debunked the flawed perception among some that a refugee crisis has affected more developed countries in the "Global North." It said 85 percent of refugees are in developing countries, many of them "desperately poor."
"It should be an element dispelling the perception, the notion that is so prevailing in many countries: That the refugee crisis — singular — is a crisis of the rich world," Grandi said. "It is not. It continues to be a crisis mostly of the poor world."

2018-06-24 11:43:34 UTC  

Jan Egeland, secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council who once headed the U.N. humanitarian aid agency, said cooperation between countries and diplomacy for peace were in "deep crisis."

2018-06-24 11:43:51 UTC  

International responsibility-sharing for displaced people has utterly collapsed. Rich countries are building walls against families fleeing war, at the same time as less money is available for aid to people in conflict areas," Egeland said. He said leaders in many countries are invoking border closures in Europe to carry out their own exclusion policies.
"We have to end this race to the bottom, and rather let us be inspired by generous recipient countries like Uganda, where vulnerable refugees are being protected," he said.

2018-06-24 11:44:57 UTC  

The UN is trying to destroy western countries with poor

2018-06-24 11:45:30 UTC  
2018-06-24 11:45:34 UTC Forced Open Borders is terrorizing the American people. Flooding us with criminals, trafficking and drugs.

2018-06-24 11:46:04 UTC  

FBI: Hundreds of Bureau Agents Took Bribes from CNN, NY Times, NBC News and More; Wray Looks the Other Way to Protect Media Partners – True PunditTrue Pundit

2018-06-24 11:46:40 UTC  

@V77 -- It's anything that's matter what the subject matter

2018-06-24 11:47:23 UTC  

YouTube takes down EVERYTHING. I use my downloader all the time to download things that later, YouTube takes down. i always grab it while I can

2018-06-24 11:47:23 UTC  

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Former first lady Michelle Obama will discuss her upcoming memoir "Becoming" as she kicks off the American Library Association's annual conference in New Orleans.

2018-06-24 11:47:30 UTC

2018-06-24 11:47:38 UTC  

Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden will moderate a conversation Friday with Obama at the city's convention center.

2018-06-24 11:47:51 UTC  

Obama's book chronicles the experiences that have shaped her, from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive and her time at the White House. It's being released in the U.S. through the Crown Publishing Group, a Penguin Random House division.
The publisher says, "'Becoming' is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations — and whose story inspires us to do the same."
The conference is expected to draw more than 15,000 participants.