Message from @Ladyhawktlc

Discord ID: 460950904133386240

2018-06-25 23:30:16 UTC  

How come nobody is live yet?

2018-06-25 23:30:23 UTC  

These two monsters raped and sexually assaulted children but were spared prison because 1. His wife could not speak english (like that is even relevant) and 2. the other guy blamed his Islamic school in the Uk where he had been taught 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground'. Oh but Tommy Robinson was given 13 months in Prison for reading an already published BBC article on live stream detailing the latest out of hundreds of gang grooming cases happening across this country. Political policing! #FreeTommy July 14th London!

2018-06-25 23:30:49 UTC

2018-06-25 23:31:26 UTC  

The headteacher of an independent Islamic school has been forced out to spare it from closure after a raid by armed police uncovered weapons and more than £400,000 in cash at a flat in the grounds.

Officers were called to the Darul Uloom school in Chislehurst on May 30 after reports of a man brandishing a gun. Headteacher’s son Yusuf Musa, who was the school’s designated safeguarding staff member, was arrested in connection with the incident

2018-06-25 23:31:36 UTC  

Never forget Seth Rich til justice is done!

2018-06-25 23:31:41 UTC  

Officers found a toy gun at his flat as well as bladed weapons and more than £400,000 in cash, Westminster magistrates’ court heard.

2018-06-25 23:32:22 UTC  

Headteacher Mustafa Musa was arrested the following day on suspicion of money laundering, sparking an emergency application by the Department for Education to shut the school. Government officials told the court they were concerned about the safety of the 155 pupils and applied for an order to suspend the school from the official register.

At court this morning, the school fended off the closure bid by agreeing that Mr Musa, and his son, will have “no involvement whatsoever” with the school in the future.

The two men are now banned from the grounds, including Yusuf Musa’s flat, and accommodation for pupils who pay £3,000-a-year fees as boarders.

The school may be shut temporarily until a government-approved trustee has been appointed to handle safeguarding. An independent safeguarding audit must be carried out and the school must accept and act on any recommendations, the court heard.

Chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot, who was due to hear the application, said: “I had real concerns and understand why the department brought the application. I had a concern about what £400,000 was doing in cash at the school — I think that’s a danger to the school. If all the parents know they send money in and pay their fees in cash, that is a risk to the school. I would like there to be a bank account.”

The school has failed a series of Ofsted inspections in the past two years, when serious problems with its safeguarding and leadership were identified.

Gavin Irwin, the lawyer representing the school, told the court there have been “very positive and meaningful safeguarding improvements in recent weeks”.

“It’s a steady, if perhaps too slow, improvement,” he said.

The two men were questioned by police and remain under investigation. They have not been formally charged with any offence.

John Hartley, from solicitors Hodge Jones & Allen, which represents the school, said trustees "take their responsibilities for safeguarding children extremely seriously".

2018-06-25 23:32:46 UTC  

They have made significant structural changes to the school’s leadership and will keep the safeguarding of those children in its care under constant review," he said.

"However, they are pleased that the court has recognised improvements have been made and that there are no immediate reasons for the school to be permanently closed.”

2018-06-25 23:33:01 UTC  

Retired dep is all of that necessary?

2018-06-25 23:33:14 UTC  
2018-06-25 23:34:13 UTC  

Some post for rank

2018-06-25 23:34:19 UTC  

Guess next civil war will be with paint balloons?

2018-06-25 23:35:25 UTC This was a good listen to. I don't always agree with this guy but this one was good.

2018-06-25 23:35:59 UTC  

Yes @V77 and to troll and fill up the whole chat so nobody can have a conversation and news will be missed

2018-06-25 23:36:00 UTC  

There’s a Winkie in that photo!!!!

2018-06-25 23:36:49 UTC  

It fills up the chat @American Patriot 1776

2018-06-25 23:36:59 UTC  

yes it does

2018-06-25 23:37:09 UTC  

@Axiom.moixa🗝 that’s a delicious one. 🌝

2018-06-25 23:37:25 UTC  

For Maxine Waters and swamp creatures.

2018-06-25 23:37:38 UTC  

BREAKING: Judicial Watch today sent a hand-delivered letter to the chairman and co-chairman of the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) violated House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump administration Cabinet members. Rep. Maxine Waters addressed a rally in Los Angeles over the weekend, telling a crowd: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere.” In today’s letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics co-chairman, Judicial Watch writes: "In encouraging individuals to create 'crowds' who will 'push back' on President Trump’s Cabinet members at private business establishments and in seemingly trying to prevent these Cabinet officials from obtaining basic necessities without fear of assault and violence." Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: "Rep. Maxine Waters incited violence and assault against members of President Trump’s Cabinet. It is urgent that the House ethics quickly act to hold her accountable for this dangerous incitement."

2018-06-25 23:37:40 UTC  

@V77 indeed

2018-06-25 23:37:53 UTC

2018-06-25 23:37:55 UTC  

Ugh why are we putting entire articles on here

2018-06-25 23:38:00 UTC  

Hoe do you block @Axiom.moixa🗝

2018-06-25 23:38:05 UTC  


2018-06-25 23:38:21 UTC  

Hoe? Who's a hoe? Lol

2018-06-25 23:38:24 UTC  

right click on their name

2018-06-25 23:38:37 UTC  


2018-06-25 23:38:41 UTC  

A New York Times journalist at the center of questions about media ethics and how information leaked from intelligence services reached new heights Monday after a report from the paper shows the reporter had dated more than one member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Ali Watkins, currently with The times, faced scrutiny after a Department of Justice investigation revealed that she was having a romantic relationship with Senate Security staffer James Wolfe, a man around 30 years her senior, while she was working at other outlets like BuzzFeed news and Politico.