Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 465448804989140992

2018-07-08 09:16:47 UTC  

@Evilanne go look up Democracy for America look up all candidates......socialist pictures etc. their petitions are also listed. They are behind a lot of the garbage

2018-07-08 09:17:19 UTC  

Good early morning

2018-07-08 09:17:56 UTC  

@retiredDep Good morning

2018-07-08 09:19:01 UTC  

Sanders, Ellison, Warren some of the major players in DFA

2018-07-08 09:22:14 UTC  

DFA founder
Governor Howard Dean
Governor Howard Dean founded Democracy for America in 2004 to build on the grassroots momentum that his bid for the presidency sparked. The movement propelled DFA into a successful national organization committed to to Gov. Dean's "50 State Strategy" to rebuild the Democratic Party.

In early 2005, DFA ran a people-powered campaign to elect Governor Dean to chair the Democratic National Committee. Democrats nationwide badly wanted reform and found the answer in Governor Dean. From 2005 – 2009, Governor Dean spearheaded the DNC’s 50 State Strategy to support the base of the Democratic Party, setting Democrats up to take back Congress in 2006 and win the White House in 2008. Upon leaving the DNC in early 2009, Gov. Dean returned to DFA as a senior adviser, until stepping down from that role following the 2016 election. Gov. Dean is no longer involved in the strategic direction of DFA.

2018-07-08 09:23:12 UTC  

Mari Schimmer brings over a decade of organizing, training, and advocacy experience to Democracy for America. Mari got her political start as a fundraising canvasser in 2004. In 2005, Mari moved to Denver, Colorado to work on the Progressive Voter Network, a national project to recruit and train volunteer leaders in key states to advocate on environmental issues. She also helped plan and run voter contact and get out the vote operations in Colorado in 2008 and 2010.

From 2011-2016, Mari worked at URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, a national organization dedicated to young leaders in the reproductive justice movement. During her tenure at URGE, Mari helped grow the field team from one to six organizers, brought hundreds of students to DC to advocate for comprehensive sex education and abortion access, and organized statewide advocacy days in six states.

Mari majored in Politics and Women’s Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz. Outside of organizing, she enjoys roadtrips, vegan cooking, knitting, and beach days.

2018-07-08 09:23:58 UTC  

Mari Schimmer brings over a decade of organizing, training, and advocacy experience to Democracy for America. Mari got her political start as a fundraising canvasser in 2004. In 2005, Mari moved to Denver, Colorado to work on the Progressive Voter Network, a national project to recruit and train volunteer leaders in key states to advocate on environmental issues. She also helped plan and run voter contact and get out the vote operations in Colorado in 2008 and 2010.

From 2011-2016, Mari worked at URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, a national organization dedicated to young leaders in the reproductive justice movement. During her tenure at URGE, Mari helped grow the field team from one to six organizers, brought hundreds of students to DC to advocate for comprehensive sex education and abortion access, and organized statewide advocacy days in six states.

Mari majored in Politics and Women’s Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz. Outside of organizing, she enjoys roadtrips, vegan cooking, knitting, and beach days.

2018-07-08 09:24:45 UTC  

Eden James
Prior to joining DFA in 2013, Eden was U.S. Campaign Director at, where he was instrumental in building and leading a campaign team from 2011-2013 that fueled the world's largest petition platform, empowering more than 50 million people around the globe. From 2007-2010, Eden directed digital strategy and staff as Managing Director of the Courage Campaign, including leading Courage's national LGBT rights campaigns in the aftermath of Prop 8's passage. In 2006, Eden served as Online Communications Director for Jerry McNerney's congressional upset victory over Rep. Richard Pombo. Prior to 2006, Eden served as Online Marketing Manager at CREDO Action and organized in support of Gov. Dean's presidential campaign in California and Iowa. In 2003, Eden graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Political Science.

2018-07-08 09:25:35 UTC  

Mia Moore
Mia has been at Democracy for America since 2009, starting as the Finance Director. In January 2010 she became DFA’s first Chief of Staff, focusing her efforts on hiring, supporting and getting results from great staff; long-term planning and budgeting. Mia has a diverse background in organizing and fundraising -- dating all the way back to her college years at the University of Wisconsin, where she worked on campaign finance reform with WISPIRG and served on student government. She began her professional organizing career working with students at the University of California-Berkeley, and their high priority campaign succeeded in convincing the state of California to get 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2017. Mia has also directed telephone outreach offices to raise money and mobilize activists of groups like MASSPIRG and Environment North Carolina. Before her current work with DFA, Mia directed the major gifts program for Toxics Action Center, nearly doubling the income from this program within two years.

2018-07-08 09:26:14 UTC  

Mia Moore
Mia has been at Democracy for America since 2009, starting as the Finance Director. In January 2010 she became DFA’s first Chief of Staff, focusing her efforts on hiring, supporting and getting results from great staff; long-term planning and budgeting. Mia has a diverse background in organizing and fundraising -- dating all the way back to her college years at the University of Wisconsin, where she worked on campaign finance reform with WISPIRG and served on student government. She began her professional organizing career working with students at the University of California-Berkeley, and their high priority campaign succeeded in convincing the state of California to get 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2017. Mia has also directed telephone outreach offices to raise money and mobilize activists of groups like MASSPIRG and Environment North Carolina. Before her current work with DFA, Mia directed the major gifts program for Toxics Action Center, nearly doubling the income from this program within two years.

2018-07-08 09:26:42 UTC  

Charles Chamberlain
Charles joined Democracy for America in 2006 as Political Director, where he led campaigns for the public option and against telecom immunity for spying on Americans as well as endorsements of controversial primary candidates against Sen. Joe Lieberman, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, and Rep. Al Wynn. He also directed DFA's successful campaigns to stop the Republican War on Working Families in Wisconsin and Ohio. In January of 2012, Charles became the Executive Director of Progressive Congress, the foundation for the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Charles rejoined DFA as Executive Director in August of 2013 and leads the strategic direction of the DFA team.

Before DFA, Charles spent over a decade grassroots organizing and directing statewide campaigns in 17 states for direct democracy initiatives and referendums working with the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Americans for Medical Rights, and others in fights ranging from funding early childhood development and protecting civil liberties to defending collective bargaining rights and raising the minimum wage. He's also served on staff for Assemblymember Scott Wildman in California's 43rd as the community organizer responsible for revitalizing in-district resident associations, neighborhood watches, and PTA

2018-07-08 09:27:22 UTC  

Jim Dean
As DFA's chair, key spokesperson, and fundraiser, Jim keeps DFA in the national spotlight. Jim brings DFA's mission to all 50 states. He meets with candidates, organizers, party leaders and activists, inspiring everyone to get involved and take back our country. Jim has been involved with DFA since our founding in 2004.

Before joining DFA, Jim worked on his brother Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, beginning in early 2002. Jim has been responsible for a variety of campaign functions including fundraising, political organizing and supporting several additional DFA state organizations. Jim’s background is in marketing research, business development and sales. He has worked at both Yankelovich Partners Inc. and Greenfield Online Inc.

2018-07-08 09:28:45 UTC  

About Trainings
Action Summits

Action Summits are interactive workshops that bring together hundreds of local activists, campaign staff and candidates for an intensive campaign training - followed by immediate strategic action to win on timely political priorities. A powerhouse team of experienced campaign professionals lead sessions in voter contact, fundraising, communications, online organizing and much more to empower progressive activists with the skills to win each November and beyond.

Right now, DFA is researching, planning and evaluating where our 2018 trainings will happen. If you'd like to request a training, submit your ideas here. (Please note that submitting a request for a training does not equal a guaranteed commitment from DFA.)

Night School

Night School is our online campaign skills instruction, where some of the savviest campaigners in the movement lead you through virtual trainings on field strategy, volunteer recruitment, coalition-building and powermapping, paid/earned media and messaging, finance planning, grassroots fundraising, and more. Check back here for updates on the calendar; in the meantime, you can access archived Night School trainings here.

2018-07-08 09:29:32 UTC  

Press Inquiries
October 19, 2015 - 12:54 pm

Press List

If you’re a blogger or member of the press and would like to be added to our press list, send an email to [email protected] . Please be sure to include your name, news organization (or blog URL), phone number and information about the issue areas/”beats” you follow in your message.

Press Inquires

The best way to ensure a timely response from our press team is by sending an email to [email protected]. And, don’t worry, while that may seem like a dead-end email address, it actually allows you to send a note to our whole press team at once and ensures you’ll get as quick a response as possible.

If you’re a reporter working on deadline and need immediate assistance, please call our Communications Director, Neil Sroka, directly at his desk at (802) 651-3218 or on his mobile at (847) 219-8491.

*Please note that we do not respond to advertising solicitations of any kind.

2018-07-08 09:30:52 UTC  

Tell the Senate: No Justice Kennedy replacement before the midterm elections

Sign the petition: DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen must resign NOW

Sign Robert Reich’s petition: Let Medicare and Medicaid negotiate lower drug prices

DFA endorses Kara Eastman for Congress in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District

Today, Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Kara Eastman in her race to represent Nebraska's 2nd in the U.S. House.

DFA Chair Jim Dean on the grassroots progressive organization's decision to back Kara Eastman's race for Congress:

"Kara Eastman's grassroots victory in this spring's primary not only inspired…

Following Kennedy retirement, DFA pushes Senate Dems to mercilessly fight Trump’s SCOTUS nomination

JANUS: While SCOTUS “once again reveals itself to be tool” of right, DFA finds hope in Ocasio-Cortez

Liberals, Democrats riding new wave of optimism before 2018 midterms

Washington Times

Schumer faces heavy pressure from left on Supreme Court

The Hill

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s upset victory shakes Democratic Party establishment

Arab American News

2018-07-08 09:33:47 UTC  

SCHOOLED: FBI Arrests Mayor of Sabana Grande in Puerto Rico – True PunditTrue Pundit

2018-07-08 09:35:53 UTC  

About Democracy for America
Who We Are

Democracy for America is a member-driven, people-powered political action committee. Our mission is building and empowering a broad coalition of grassroots organizers to elect the New American Majority -- people of color and white progressives -- to fight for inclusive populism at all levels of office in all 50 states.

2018-07-08 09:45:46 UTC  

Can’t wait for the day she gets what’s coming to her.

Gloria Allred to Trump after 'Me Too' comments: ‘Keep your hands off Elizabeth Warren’ | TheHill