Message from @Zyrenn
Discord ID: 609143717416402965
I think its a double edged sword depending on how its used. Ic it's to lock up globalist and future crimes they haven't yet commited, good. But it its to lock up my bf bcus she's hvn a bad day then it's NOT !
ANYONE know anything about the earthquakes in China Lake..?
is there a poem section in here or can i post it in here? i do not want to be out of place
you can pos it here
sweet ok it is a poem i wrote a few years ago that i think is fitting for patriots in Jesus
we all woulld enjoy reading it
it will take a moment my word office expried so i will have to text it instead of copy and paste
@Zyrenn yes!
As tears fall down soaks with the blood stained ground
650 HP:
he is on his knees below the corss gain the world but with suffered loss
the man beamed with a heart made new he pressed out to tell a few
@Zyrenn you may wish to post the poem as a whole instead of line by line
it gets lost
that way
over the horizon there came more that the One on the cross was bleeding for
@Zyrenn is there more?
412 is taking calls if anyone is interested in calling in
The Word of God in a book once bled and died , Why is this the broken gathered cried , the holy Spirit breathed that day Through Christ washing their sins away , More newborns in Him came through God's blood in them made them new A moment in time suddenly so many new borns cry that through His heart that bled on a cross and died By His Reressurection an empty tomb display in HIm without sin who took on our sin washed our sins away, Once a cold dark crippled souls haunted the earth , The Light came with the first Dawning of a new birth , the kingdom ofdarkness once so demising now tremble CHRIST OF THE DEAD RISING
@Sosa321 Iyou and I tried a while back...something wrong w/my mic...can’t remember exactly what you said I should do??,