Message from @Groot

Discord ID: 611355233351761974

2019-08-15 00:18:37 UTC  

I hope that he’s taken alive and has to share a cell with a Gorilla for the rest of his life

2019-08-15 00:18:51 UTC  

Factoid, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenny, catholic,( makes a point of making this known) has gone on record being unhappy and vocal about the ease of Gun ownership.

2019-08-15 00:20:16 UTC  

@kreskin1 He really does cover breaking news well. He covers things that you won't see on msn for days if ever.

2019-08-15 00:20:19 UTC  

@kazzoo I was sure that some one would hit the Gun Control Narrative Right away

2019-08-15 00:21:02 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY Kamala Harris was on it as soon as it happened. SHe was on with Wolfie Blitzer

2019-08-15 00:21:34 UTC  

Lookner gets real excited when there’s new breaking tidbits when he’s in the middle of a long stream. It’s pretty funny. @BlondeBeauty

2019-08-15 00:22:19 UTC  

Did you know he doesn’t wear pants during his broadcast?

2019-08-15 00:22:30 UTC  


2019-08-15 00:23:33 UTC  

I have lived with and been around Guns all my life and never seen anything like the last week We even used to carry our shotguns on the bus to school for trapshooting extracurricular activity
Something is being pumped into these people whether is drugs or a new curriculum

2019-08-15 00:23:44 UTC  

@kreskin1 I hope that picture doesn't get stuck in my head. Too much info, aaah.

2019-08-15 00:24:00 UTC  

Now Fox broadcasters are trying to bring in "Rain forcasted" in the area as a complicating factor.

2019-08-15 00:24:41 UTC  

@kreskin1 TMI.. lol Btw he just had to have a potty break. lol

2019-08-15 00:25:00 UTC  

Mind you I had to stop all my guns from wanting to go out and shoot themselves....

2019-08-15 00:25:12 UTC  

@BlondeBeauty Figures she would be one of the first to seek attention It’s what they do no matter what they can seize on

2019-08-15 00:25:22 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY When I was in High school the guys had gun racks in their pick ups, as well as many teachers and staff.

2019-08-15 00:25:48 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY She said her gun control plan would have prevented this. smh

2019-08-15 00:25:54 UTC  
2019-08-15 00:25:54 UTC  

Someone doing the job MSN won't do, take 15-20, if he needs it. He is a true reporter.

2019-08-15 00:26:26 UTC  

@BlondeBeauty that was the norm and no one had a problem with it and there was no violence

2019-08-15 00:26:43 UTC  

@kreskin1 me 3. lol

2019-08-15 00:27:26 UTC  

@BlondeBeauty @CHARLES PELKEY when I was in grade school most boys made gun racks and lockers....we always showed them at open house in IL if you can imagine.

2019-08-15 00:27:38 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY The worst we had was a fist fight after school. Usually over a girl.

2019-08-15 00:27:46 UTC  

Seems the police had to tweet out for folks to stop using drones in the area.

2019-08-15 00:28:16 UTC  

@kazzoo Yes Steve covered that earlier. It was on the police scanner

2019-08-15 00:29:09 UTC  

@Groot Hello Good to see you.

2019-08-15 00:29:24 UTC  

1/2 light left

2019-08-15 00:29:52 UTC  
2019-08-15 00:30:21 UTC  

She’s a windbag of old @Groot @BlondeBeauty I wish Society could see back 25-40 years ago when gun ownership was considered a bad thing and encouraged by parents for their kids to get training and get a license

2019-08-15 00:32:06 UTC  

Now Fox is playing the children card. The safety of the children will be the vehicle for the narrative.

2019-08-15 00:32:28 UTC  

Judge shoots down nadler Impeachment Scheme ..just saw on (Fox)

2019-08-15 00:32:47 UTC  

@BlondeBeauty You’re very Right there It was always after school and off the school property so no one would interfere The worst that came out of it was a bruised ego

2019-08-15 00:33:06 UTC  

Most excelent Groot. Its about time we get a ruling favorable.

2019-08-15 00:33:08 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY Where I live, typically you start to learn about the age of 6.

2019-08-15 00:33:34 UTC  

Yippee! @Groot

2019-08-15 00:34:19 UTC  

I had the sound down and didn't get the judges name (dude). It will post quickly in news of the day

2019-08-15 00:35:36 UTC  

FAA just put out a one mile flight restriction on philly neighborhood

2019-08-15 00:35:37 UTC  

That’s a good age @BlondeBeauty Everyone should be aware of the positive aspects of gun ownership and not the Garbage fed to them on MSM it’s really disheartening to see

2019-08-15 00:35:51 UTC  

Right @CHARLES PELKEY and got your own gun on your 10th bday. I did that for my son.....people were stunned...I mean really appalled.

2019-08-15 00:36:41 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY Most people here hunt and fill the freezer. Children are taught early here.

2019-08-15 00:37:44 UTC  

@Groot We got a bb gun at 6 and started safety training. Girls and boys both. Barbies and BB Guns. lol

2019-08-15 00:38:15 UTC  

It's really important that kids learn to kill and dress the kill. It provides a respect for life nothing else can teach.