Message from @Steven Martin

Discord ID: 611364981430288404

2019-08-15 00:56:59 UTC  

@kazzoo If you give them one they will be back because you are on the radar. Nope. Not happening.

2019-08-15 00:57:11 UTC  

Or you are seen as Law abiding

2019-08-15 00:57:29 UTC  


2019-08-15 00:58:04 UTC  

confiscation would government or dismiss them.

2019-08-15 00:58:23 UTC  

Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it I wouldn’t want to harm a police officer as they are only following Legal Orders Send the Political Hacks who passed the laws to perform Confiscation

2019-08-15 00:58:44 UTC  

@kazzoo I am law abiding. I follow the constitution and 2A all the way.

2019-08-15 00:59:21 UTC  

Well here they may be following orders but they wouldn't 't be lawful....biggly different

2019-08-15 00:59:30 UTC  

....shall not be infringed.

2019-08-15 00:59:56 UTC  

@BlondeBeauty and 9 & 10.

2019-08-15 01:00:51 UTC  

The way to get on the radar is to brag to the wrong person, or resist too strenously. Correct but dead lion vs alive dog. It will not be sudden confiscation, but a moving wave sort of thing. One can prepare.

2019-08-15 01:00:57 UTC  

: deserving censure or contempt
deplorable behavior
deplorable living conditions
a deplorable death

2019-08-15 01:00:57 UTC  

@kreskin1 keep 9 & 10 too as they try to tie it to militia only...

2019-08-15 01:01:26 UTC  

We don’t have second Ammendment Rights here Too bad that our constitution didn’t reflect that of the USA

2019-08-15 01:03:06 UTC  

I am for the 2A as much as the next person, but you have to play it smart. Be the gray man.

2019-08-15 01:03:22 UTC  

Understand @CHARLES PELKEY it is unique but if you look at our 9 & 10 all rights are reserved except a few for government to admin. itself.

2019-08-15 01:03:52 UTC  

WW2 would possibly be avoided if there wasn’t a confiscation by Fascist Party like the Democratic One

2019-08-15 01:04:01 UTC  

@CHARLES PELKEY There is a perfect natural Right to self defense even if it wasn't in the Constitution, which it is. States' rights are subordinate to one's personal safety.

2019-08-15 01:05:17 UTC  

We are in a state of subjection to unlawful rules

2019-08-15 01:05:19 UTC  

I can say I am ignorant of Canadian constitution. does it recognize God given rights or "law of nature and of nature's God" ?

2019-08-15 01:05:38 UTC  

Back in a few.

2019-08-15 01:06:10 UTC  

A Maxim of law is law throughout the Western Hemisphere.

2019-08-15 01:06:47 UTC  
2019-08-15 01:07:06 UTC  

@Groot @Steven Martin @kazzoo A police officer literally told me that if you shot an intruder to make sure that the body was all the way into the house or you would risk being charged yourself
Sadly it’s all true

2019-08-15 01:08:51 UTC  

That's what I mean by subjection to unlawful rule. I believe the officer would say that and believed what he said. Sad state.

2019-08-15 01:09:59 UTC  

All their little rules chip away at law until law becomes totally uncertain.

2019-08-15 01:10:03 UTC  

Our Beloved Leader got caught trying to push the Solicitor General around over a Company named SNC LAVALIN He should have known not to try and push a Woman around and piss her off

2019-08-15 01:10:22 UTC  

Oh it will be fabricated that the dead man was just stopping by for directions and you murder him.

2019-08-15 01:10:41 UTC  

I wouldn't really trust a police officers training on law, with all do respect to them....but then I feel the same way about most lawyers...they are not educated on the breath of law ..just licensed to practice because they are incompetent.

2019-08-15 01:10:46 UTC  


2019-08-15 01:11:07 UTC  

Breadth ...

2019-08-15 01:11:26 UTC  

breath is funnier tho

2019-08-15 01:11:34 UTC  

Coach Clay and i70 are taking calls if anyone is interested in joining the round table discussion

2019-08-15 01:11:39 UTC  

I am told it takes about two years to be a cosmetologist (to do hair) and only a few week to be a police officer. What does that tell you.

2019-08-15 01:11:42 UTC  

CPR is more real. Lol

2019-08-15 01:11:46 UTC  

The officers here aren’t even required to have a gun license Talk about a double standard

2019-08-15 01:13:34 UTC  

again a license is issued where one is incompetent or for what would otherwise be illegal.

2019-08-15 01:14:15 UTC  

Another Shooting reported in Handcock county, Wv near Pittsburg.

2019-08-15 01:14:17 UTC  

@Captian Liberty.. Docked In Clauton Ny End Of St Lawrence Seaway..

2019-08-15 01:14:23 UTC  

At's all sh's ga'a give, ca'emm

2019-08-15 01:15:37 UTC  

@kazzoo Ain’t that a real kick in the ass So unfair and outrageous. No wonder police have problems with decisions
@CptKirk Dammit JIM I’m a Doctor not a Cement Mason LOL

2019-08-15 01:16:36 UTC  

Well Bones, you're the closest thing we have. I know you can do it.