Message from @Jayde
Discord ID: 611722206958845962
and yes, I support him and will vote for him... I am just making an observation
You can feel certain vibes at certain rallies
I do think the crowd is a little bit different here
it's ok... I am an outcast on here as usual
Yes, they tend to have unique issues that are fairly localized.
different vibes.. yes.. but never seen a "weak" President Trump
Second one taken out in handcuffs already
opinions only matter when everone agrees
Its just a different vibe here
I get it
You're not an outcast CBF this is your home turf
no your not a outcast,your family
Naw.. you can have your opinions.. @ColdBrewedFreedom People disagree with me all the time..
yeah... don't seem it!
Is this crowd onboard with him or not?
We're patriots because we think you have a right to your opinions and we don't get offended that easily lol
Just trying to understand where you were coming from @ColdBrewedFreedom
I will agree - I don't see him as weak ever.
I see what cold is saying. Not sure anything can be done about not reaching NH. Lots of people there. Where are they all from?
@Jayde agrees with me ✍🏻
yeah right that one down
I am
crowd is laid back from others
I didn't sat=y he was weak... I said he was weak in NH
laid back, there ya go
Maybe disconnect would be a better word
NH has always been a tough one
as in, he isn't coming across strong right now
But these people are still patriots
I don't think its him, I think its the regional effect
What could he be saying that would reach NH?
His platform hasn't changed
Which is it that is the sort of new "gay state" Vermont or NH? I mean where all the gay couples are moving from other cities in the northeast?