Message from @Rekkedge

Discord ID: 612024187644674184

2019-08-16 20:20:19 UTC  


2019-08-16 20:34:54 UTC  

oh terrific, my internet is lagging again

2019-08-16 20:37:21 UTC  

@Zyrenn OH NO! is it running anything like mine at less than 1 mbps?

2019-08-16 20:38:02 UTC  

hi ya @Rekkedge ! 😄

2019-08-16 20:38:29 UTC  

im hoping the lag monster is gone now lol

2019-08-16 20:38:34 UTC  

What's malfunctioning @Zyrenn ?

2019-08-16 20:38:51 UTC  

i think it could be a weak signal causing the lag

2019-08-16 20:39:23 UTC  

i live off road in the woods and we do not get direct signal from the tower and that effects everything

2019-08-16 20:39:27 UTC  

They're just pulling your lag - hehehe

2019-08-16 20:39:33 UTC  

hahahaha Rek

2019-08-16 20:39:43 UTC  

anyway, gtsy , how ya doing this find day

2019-08-16 20:39:45 UTC  


2019-08-16 20:40:24 UTC  

So, you get your Internet via a "cell" service like Verizon-T-Mobile-AT&T?

2019-08-16 20:40:33 UTC  

i will be honest, this place has some of the best chatters i have encountered online

2019-08-16 20:41:09 UTC  

ah , no we do not get verizon or cable, its a local company and iforget what name lol omg, it is in my phone book too lazy to look it up

2019-08-16 20:41:56 UTC  

So, it's basically an Internet service versus a phone service?

2019-08-16 20:43:04 UTC  

well we live off road and too many trees in the way and too far away from cable box hook up, it would cost an arm and a leg to get cables installed under the ground to the house

2019-08-16 20:43:41 UTC  

so we found a local company that offered to hook us up to get signal from our naighbor who has the same company

2019-08-16 20:44:03 UTC  

they really offer good service

2019-08-16 20:44:33 UTC  

it just at times the signal gets weak time to time but more often we get pretty good signal

2019-08-16 20:45:37 UTC  

I understand. I live on a 350 acre farm in Virginia. We have only one cruddy option: CenturyLink DSL @ 1.5 mbps in a "bandwidth exhausted" area... (meaning we don't even receive 1.5 mbps). I'm looking for any other solution - perhaps a cell service.

2019-08-16 20:46:32 UTC  

yikes, yeah that can be a big frustration when dealing with that , you would think with all the advanced technology they would have planned something for that already for people who are in rual areas

2019-08-16 20:47:41 UTC  

many people have jobs that demand one to have internet at home, and that can be a major crisis if you live in areas that do not have access to affordable internet service

2019-08-16 20:50:34 UTC  

Well, actually the have... It's known as "The Rural Broadband bill" and our provider "CL" has actually received in the $billions to upgrade their rural customers in Virginia. They took the money and re-directed it to cities and suburbs instead and because the "big telecoms" basically own the state legislatures, they get a pass when they basically abandon us.

2019-08-16 20:51:35 UTC  

wow , oh man, welp come to think of it, that is typical parasitical behavior of them

2019-08-16 20:52:07 UTC  

i wish folk like that never existed, this world would have been an amazing place

2019-08-16 20:52:40 UTC  

im just thankful there are good folk in this world and some of them are here on psb

2019-08-16 20:53:33 UTC  

i have been really delving into Kevin Annett's work, have you heard of him? i posted in the link section a few interviews of him on youtube

2019-08-16 20:53:49 UTC  

i am sure they are not easily found by now since that was yesterday

2019-08-16 20:53:59 UTC  

Regarding those that desire to live out in rural areas because cities and suburbs are NOT lookinggood to them any longer - for family and children and economics, etc... they should be able to work from home - many have not just work from home for another company, but want to have their own business and HS Internet access is necessary to sell what they make or grow or whatever.

2019-08-16 20:54:40 UTC  

yesss omg , i would so work online from home but i have had too many hackers in times past, i am a rare case

2019-08-16 20:56:14 UTC  

to earn an income from home online for an occupation would be a super saver in travelling costs and so many other ways to reduce basic cost of up keep of a vehicle

2019-08-16 20:56:53 UTC  

to even then have delivery service to the home with food and supplies from various of companies that provide that

2019-08-16 20:59:25 UTC  

omg we have some pigs in my home town , i am not so happy with where it is going, i hope in time those kind move out of my area... people who are looking for work that own either a contracting company or pave driveways etc often intrude by knocking on my door wanting to pave my drive way and each year i tell them the same exact thing, stay off my drive way and i do not want your services, they are very rude mean and shady

2019-08-16 21:00:24 UTC  

i just find that unprofessional and very sketchy and we do not live in the 50's where they did not have internet and door to door salesmen were the only way to advertise

2019-08-16 21:00:25 UTC  

Well, out in the country - like where I live, there are so many more possibilities... People make all sorts of stuff - whether making stuff in a home shop or growing something - raising bees for honey or bees wax, growing herbs or other things that can be dried or heirloom veggies to dry for seeds for others, etc. Guys make all sorts or stuff or even restore stuff scrounging around in old barns and junkyards that people want and need for their own projects...

2019-08-16 21:01:21 UTC  

i live in the country , and sadly people here are a bit cold , we do not have a tight knit community like you seem to have

2019-08-16 21:02:16 UTC  

it once was like that back in a day when my dad and his generation of folk were alive, but much has changed in the past 40 years since then, i never grew up with that

2019-08-16 21:02:52 UTC  

A midwest state?

2019-08-16 21:03:05 UTC  

ah no, i am in Maryland

2019-08-16 21:03:28 UTC  

Oh. that's just norteast of me