Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ

Discord ID: 545399866042482699

2019-02-08 03:54:59 UTC  

Subtitled video, extremely moving, inspirational, pro-life. Please share.

2019-02-09 00:49:08 UTC

2019-02-09 01:01:13 UTC

2019-02-09 01:11:55 UTC

2019-02-09 20:08:10 UTC Feels Like Worship Gumbo Day To Me-Celebrating in advance of the victory is Faith🥰

2019-02-11 19:50:05 UTC  

Behold, a pale horse? How the “green” environmental movement may be the Biblical Fourth Seal of an End Times global death cult
Sunday, February 10, 2019 by: Mike Adams

2019-02-11 22:16:06 UTC

2019-02-11 23:06:39 UTC

2019-02-11 23:36:13 UTC

2019-02-11 23:37:00 UTC

2019-02-11 23:39:08 UTC

2019-02-11 23:50:50 UTC  

Over 2,500 years ago God gave a prophecy whose fulfillment will be completed in the very near future. This prophecy foretells the beginning of a seven-year period that will end at the Battle of Armageddon. The beginning of this final seven years is just ahead of us now. In this lesson we will clearly explain the event that will mark the beginning of the final seven years, and we will explain what will happen during these last seven years before the Second Coming. This is one of the few prophecies in the Bible with a specific time frame disclosed in it. That's the reason this prophecy is called, "A prophecy with a date on it."

2019-02-12 02:08:51 UTC  

1 John 4:7
7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
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2019-02-12 13:52:50 UTC

2019-02-13 03:34:32 UTC

2019-02-13 03:36:32 UTC

2019-02-14 00:42:51 UTC

2019-02-14 02:18:13 UTC Lance’s Insights After Rally and Prayer Breakfast

2019-02-15 02:05:55 UTC  

The prophecies disclose that the nations of Jordan and Israel will never be controlled by the Antichrist. They also indicate that the U.S. will protect Israel from attack by the Antichrist all during the Great Tribulation. This lets us know that the U.S. will be opposed to the Antichrist during the time called the Great Tribulation. This lesson will reveal that it truly is America’s God-Given Destiny to help and protect Israel in the times just ahead.

2019-02-15 10:03:08 UTC  

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord ! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!
Habakkuk 3:17‭-‬18 NLT

2019-02-17 02:30:23 UTC  
2019-02-18 17:26:17 UTC

2019-02-19 02:01:09 UTC  

There is going to come a time in the very near future that those who were asleep while the world was spiraling out of control will no longer be able to dismiss what is going on and more importantly what had happened while they were asleep. And when that day comes it is my hope that we will, with a united resolve, say never again, not on my watch! We will thank god that he sent warrior angels to save this great nation and at the same time be saddened that we sat by and did nothing! may God continue to bless this great nation and the world! Pray for us all! WWG1WGA

2019-02-19 03:25:35 UTC  

This is the best talk you will ever hear about God's grace. Share it with those you love.

2019-02-20 01:23:47 UTC

2019-02-21 23:22:44 UTC  

Love you guys! It’s uplifting to come here and praise the Lord!