Message from @Sara

Discord ID: 490876474107363330

2018-09-16 11:21:42 UTC

“Russia can’t be allowed to edit and obstruct independent U.N. reports on North Korea sanctions just because they don’t like what they say. Period,” Haley said in a statement.

She also expressed her disappointment in the panel for “caving to Russian pressure,” calling it a “dangerous precedent.”

“We’ve seen the original report and we know the truth – the Panel should do the right thing and release it,” she said.

2018-09-16 11:29:51 UTC

North Korea operatives have sought to use U.S. technology and social media networks to evade U.S.-led sanctions and generate income, taking advantage of many of the same shortcomings that allowed Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.

Cloaking their identities, the North Koreans have been able to advertise jobs and find clients on job-search exchanges such as Upwork and They have developed software using the Microsoft-owned site Github, communicated over the Slack messaging service and asked for payments...

2018-09-16 11:31:22 UTC

The coalition is the first unified international effort to monitor the ship traffic in the year since the Trump administration launched its “maximum-pressure” sanctions campaign, aimed at strong-arming North Korea into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. Surveillance efforts until now have been a hodgepodge...

2018-09-16 13:16:04 UTC  

3fer, FEMA rep, Adam Schiff and Bob Woodward all on Meet The Press this morning. Playing on the West Coast now, check your "programming" guide.