Message from @Sosa321

Discord ID: 571473492068007976

2019-04-26 22:15:02 UTC  
2019-04-26 22:25:31 UTC  

Clinton Fundraiser Ticket Seller Arrested On Charges Of Distributing Child Porn – Total Media Blackout

An Arkansas government youth program coordinator and Democrat Party official who oversaw ticket sales for a fundraiser featuring Hillary Clinton has been arrested for allegedly participating in child porn video chat room sessions.

Harold “H.L.” Moody was arrested back in November 2018. Yet, virtually nothing of the story, considering his work with Hillary Clinton and being photographed with both Mrs. Clinton and her husband Bill, has reached the national media. Or more than likely it has, they’ve just buried it to give you what the state and corporations want you to hear about, and probably because it happened in Arkansas.

HSI [Homeland Security Investigations] was conducting an undercover investigation into child exploitation chat rooms when agents discovered an individual under the username “B-Zone”, who was later identified as Moody, distributing child pornography.

The undercover agents involved in the investigation observed Moody in these chat rooms on at least five occasions.

The filed complaint document reads that on three occasions Moody was scene on video holding a glass smoking pipe that is often used for smoking methamphetamine.

According to the complaint affidavit, on August 29, 2018, Moody was present in a chat room when child pornography was being displayed. Agents observed Moody in the chat room, via his webcam. Moody’s face was clearly visible and the undercover agent observed what appeared to be an office setting in the background.

That same day, undercover agents again observed Moody in a chat room where child pornography was being displayed. Moody appeared to be in the same office.

2019-04-26 22:33:59 UTC  

In other words, the planet is getting greener, and we have rising CO2 levels to thank for it, since rising CO2 accounts for about 70% of the increase in planet-wide greening, according to scientists. The more CO2 we release into the atmosphere, the more nutrients are available for plants, and the more rapidly the Earth is re-greened.

The following compilation map shows which land masses have experienced expanded greening since 1982. As the legend explains, the light green areas represent a 25% increase in green plants, and the dark green areas represent a 50% or greater increase:

Get CLEAN FOOD and help support our mission to keep you informed: The Health Ranger Store lab verifies everything we sell with accredited testing for heavy metals, microbiology and food safety. Certified organic facility, ISO-accredited on-site laboratory, no GMOs or synthetic ingredients. The world’s #1 source of lab-verified clean foods and superfoods for nutritional healing. 600+ products available. Explore now.

2019-04-26 22:36:39 UTC  

‘They’re baaaaack’ – Actually NXIVM Has Never Gone Away – Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman & Omar Boone now lead Nxivm

New evidence has emerged that the NXIVM criminal enterprise is alive and well – and may be back stronger than ever if its leader, Keith Raniere, is successful in gaining an acquittal at his upcoming trial.

In a Memorandum-Of-Law that was filed on Thursday by Michael J. Sullivan, the attorney who represents NXIVM Corporation, we got confirmation of several things we knew about the company – and learned several new facts about its status.

To begin with, Sullivan confirmed that the company was originally incorporated in Delaware as Executive Success Programs, Inc. on July 20, 1998.

It then changed its named to NXIVM Corporation on January 23, 2002.

The company’s charter was voided for – surprise, surprise – non-payment of taxes as of March 1, 2005. But it was restored shortly thereafter on April 7, 2005.

According to Sullivan, the company is neither dissolved nor defunct – and still retains attorney-client privileges and work product privileges.

Sullivan goes on to note that both he, as the company’s legal representative – and Clare Bronfman, as a member of the company’s Executive Board – wish to assert both of those protections with respect to a variety of documents that the prosecution would like to introduce as evidence at the upcoming trial of Keith Raniere.


2019-04-26 22:37:25 UTC  

Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) Tweeted:
Constitutional oversight is a "coup." Testifying under oath is being a "rat." The pursuit of justice is a "witch hunt." Mr. Trump, have you NO respect for the law?

2019-04-26 22:39:59 UTC  

Janel Cartrett (@CartrettJanel) Tweeted:
@TomSteyer Hey, Tom, President Trump has more respect for the " Law" then you will ever have. You Colluded with Hillary Clinton, with Fusion GPS, that made up the "FAKE " DOSSIER. THAT IS THE TRUTH. WAKE UP PEOPLE. THE DEMOCRATS ARE LYING TO YOU.

2019-04-26 22:42:37 UTC  
2019-04-26 22:44:05 UTC  
2019-04-26 22:46:08 UTC  
2019-04-26 22:46:55 UTC  

Why was HUBER selected? Because I took two Affidavits to a DA in Utah in May 2011, after going to FBI in January 2007, exposing crime family (seven men) who created code, system, network to traffic children via our courts with the help of CPS for the purpose of accessing billions of federal dollars. This DA began grand juries and Huber working underground tapped into them. I've been exposing for 13 years. My brother is one of the seven men. I've been in hiding for four years, and several attempts on my life. I need the Soapbox to interview me on CHAT ASAP - because they have found me, and could finally kill me.

2019-04-26 23:10:07 UTC  
2019-04-26 23:11:29 UTC  

@Sosa321 Here I am

2019-04-26 23:11:37 UTC  

there ya go

2019-04-26 23:11:45 UTC  

keep typing messages

2019-04-26 23:11:55 UTC  

memes are fine

2019-04-26 23:12:48 UTC  

that is pretty scrary, lol

2019-04-26 23:13:52 UTC  

that is pretty good

2019-04-26 23:14:17 UTC  

bad bad Biden

2019-04-26 23:16:30 UTC  

those are pretty good

2019-04-26 23:18:59 UTC  
2019-04-26 23:21:56 UTC  

A Presentation of Evidence that Public Officials Are Using Citizens as “Commodities”in Judicial System “Profit Centers” on the Taxpayers’ Tab

2019-04-26 23:26:29 UTC  

It is extremely windy here today in Mid Michigan

2019-04-26 23:26:43 UTC  

same here in Northern Mn

2019-04-26 23:28:10 UTC  

yeah, they won't be around very long