Message from @hellcat

Discord ID: 575520161562492939

2019-05-08 02:26:28 UTC  



Anons, I think she is more scared than Joe

2019-05-08 02:33:23 UTC  
2019-05-08 02:37:18 UTC  
2019-05-08 02:53:10 UTC  

False flag in Co?

2019-05-08 03:02:19 UTC  

happening: japan

Car rams into pedestrians in Otsu, Shiga, Japan

2019-05-08 03:21:12 UTC  

@hellcat if your links are not patriot news related please use <#430240579314778113> (racing... Fashion... Car stuff etc) thanks friend!

2019-05-08 03:22:03 UTC  

ok will try to fint that link

2019-05-08 03:22:16 UTC  

thanks fade

2019-05-08 03:22:20 UTC  


2019-05-08 03:24:24 UTC  

No problem, thanks again!

2019-05-08 03:24:35 UTC  

you can click on the blue text, i think 😃

2019-05-08 03:24:46 UTC  

is ti called off topic

2019-05-08 03:24:54 UTC  


2019-05-08 03:25:01 UTC  

Just click that link

2019-05-08 03:25:01 UTC  


2019-05-08 04:06:17 UTC

Drug Traffickers Exploit Haiti While Amassing $10 Billion Under U.S. Scrutiny

May 16, 2018

Haiti officials and elites have been making headlines for years when it comes to drug trafficking, but what happens when $10 billion dollars becomes a bit of a problem? How do you launder and conceal $10 billion dollars without drawing attention, especially when investments in the Caribbean Islands and Central America have already been saturated by drug money? What makes an already bad situation worse? The impact the drug traffickers have on the people of Haiti is absolutely dire. While the drug lords rule the streets, the people of Haiti are dying a slow death from starvation, lack of jobs, and a lawless nation brimming with abuse and neglect.

Who are the players and how has this managed to go on for as long as it has? Is there an end in sight? In 2014 the authorities of the Dominican Republic were alerted by the U.S. tax authorities that they were aware of collusion with the mafia sector of the Haitian financial system in money laundering. Because of this, the Dominican Republic may quite possibly be keeping their distance, but what of other countries and island nations involved such as Colombia, the Bahamas, and the United States of America?

2019-05-08 04:06:51 UTC  

This is a deep tunnel with some hidden burrows that lead to very interesting connections. Stay with me as I give a brief history of drug trafficking through the hub of Haiti, where the drugs are coming in and going to, some key arrests, bad actors and their undesirable connections, and a possible ray of hope amid all this devastation that just recently dropped yesterday as I was writing this. It is a very exciting possibility! Read on… it is a long article, but necessary in order to include all players, connections, and what this has done to the people of Haiti. So if you are one with a 3-minute attention span, I highly suggest scrolling down to see the guts of this before bookmarking it never to return – you do not want to miss the ending. This is BIG.

WARNING: There are some disturbing phThere are some disturbing photos farther down in this article. In trying to keep this as real as possible so you understand how serious of a matter this is, I felt it was necessary to include them. Forgive me, they are not easy to look at.