Message from @Janel Cartrett

Discord ID: 588047314493374470

2019-06-11 15:18:50 UTC  

Dear Patriot

Yesterday our wall and our nation came under attack by a globalist bureaucracy called the IBWC (International Boundary and Waterway Commission). This group which is half controlled by Mexico showed up to our wall with American police to LOCK THE GATE OPEN.

We cannot and will not allow these open borders globalists to help the drug and human traffickers by keeping the gate open. ONE WAY OR THE OTHER we are going to CLOSE THE GATE which is why I need your help right now.

I need you to call the IBWC at (202)647-8529 and (915) 832-4100 and tell them to CLOSE THE GATE. Ask them why they are putting the interests of drug and human traffickers over the rights of the American people. Keep the pressure on and keep calling and leaving messages. I truly believe the future of our nation depends on it.

If you're on Twitter you can also send IBWC Commissioner Jayne Harkins a message at @HarkJay350. Use the hashtag #CloseTheGate

After you've called and/or tweeted you can help us by sharing this important call to action with like-minded Americans. We may need people to join us at the wall in the coming days because ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, we are going to CLOSE THE GATE. I'll keep you posted.

You can also make sure we have all the resources we need to fight them legally and politically by making a new contribution to

Please take action right now! Our wall and country depends on it.

God Bless
Brian Kolfage

2019-06-11 15:34:42 UTC  

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2019-06-11 16:12:24 UTC  

A friendly reminder of what we are here fighting for.

2019-06-11 16:42:03 UTC  

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2019-06-11 16:50:05 UTC  

Janel Cartrett (@CartrettJanel) Tweeted:
@RepRaskin, you are an idiot. Hillary Clinton should have turned her private server, cell phones and SIM Cards over to the investigation team,not destroying that "Evidence ". She obstructed justice when She disregarded those Subpoenas.

2019-06-11 17:04:23 UTC  
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2019-06-11 17:12:01 UTC  

This is what happens in countries where guns are not allowed!! This was yesterday about a quarter mile from the border in Agua Prieta Sonora México just the other side of the border fence. Sorry about the graphic pics but it is real a long our border.

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