Message from @Mighty phine

Discord ID: 607662579384320001

2019-08-04 17:56:31 UTC  
2019-08-04 18:37:17 UTC  

Casualty role players' required

2019-08-04 18:41:34 UTC  


‏Verified account @USACEHQ

Wednesday at 2:20 p.m. EDT, @fema will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System on TVs & radios.

The 1- minute test will be coordinated with @FCC emergency managers, radio, TV/cable operators.

2019-08-04 19:31:33 UTC  
2019-08-04 19:33:33 UTC  

Was "Evergreen" a [Green Light] to activate manchurian sleepers? Tapper's tweet "Evergreen" bugged me two weeks ago.
Was thinking, "What's the Message?" - Coded Comms?
Now pondering:
He replied to this → "This is all going to get so much worse."
By @Adam Serwer
At the time:
- Epstein had been arrested - Details coming out.
- Before Mueller Testimony - [DS] Nervous.
- [Crossfire Hurricane] - Moar Details.
- Diggs here & Q drops - Heavily Exposing = Epstein & Maxwell Network of Connections, Epstein Island - heavy diggs.
→ Getting Dangerously Close to the [Pedo - Masters].
Serwer - to - Tapper = Coded Comms.
Serwer = Things looking REALLY BAD [for us].
Tapper = "Evergreen" → *Green Light - Sleepers
*Green Light Sleepers - Not necessarily sleepers directly, but their handlers to "Trigger" them.
* Gilroy
* El Paso
* Dayton
Logically thinking:
"Manchurian" Sleepers are raised & conditioned in prep for need.
Who knows how many walk among us. Lots I'd imagine.

2019-08-04 19:56:36 UTC  
2019-08-04 20:07:32 UTC

This is not today’s news, but due to the shooting in El Paso, the Antifa meeting in El Paso in September, And now our “representatives” wanting to take our 2A away....I think we need to refresh our memories.

2019-08-04 20:19:49 UTC  
2019-08-04 20:27:46 UTC  

Human Domain Solutions hiring crisis actors in Ohio

Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is hiring Casualty Role Players (CRPs) to participate in a VIGILANT GUARD Emergency Response exercise, on 6-8 AUG 2019 in Multiple Locations in Ohio. CRPs will portray various physical and emotional conditions in this excellent opportunity to give back and show appreciation for the brave men and women of the US Military while being PAID to do so.
Human Domain Solutions, LLC

2019-08-04 20:45:07 UTC  

We,re really good at decoding the agenda of the Globalists but I would like to know how to create our own agenda and let them decode ours.

2019-08-04 21:23:16 UTC