Message from @woverine61254

Discord ID: 574025142888431616

2019-05-03 19:58:54 UTC  
2019-05-03 20:03:43 UTC  
2019-05-03 20:04:01 UTC  


2019-05-03 20:50:02 UTC  

Children in US being trained for terrorist attacks...muzz

2019-05-03 21:33:07 UTC  

Uncovered video of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society: 'We will chop off their heads' for Allah

2019-05-03 21:43:23 UTC

BREAKING: House Democrats have asked the bar associations of Washington, D.C., and Virginia to open ethics investigation into AG Barr

2019-05-03 21:56:50 UTC  

▶Anonymous 05/03/19 (Fri) 17:33:33 3836ae (5) No.6405489>>6405505 >>6405531 >>6405533 >>6405542 >>6405543 >>6405552 >>6405553 >>6405557 >>6405561 >>6405587 >>6405591 >>6405607 >>6405615 >>6405625 >>6405629 >>6405654 >>6405655 >>6405660 >>6405679 >>6405681 >>6405691

Ukanon update.

We had local council elections.

May's party lost over 1200 seats.

That's a bloodbath.

Labour were supposed win hundreds.

They had a net LOSS.

The EU elections are in three weeks, this indicates Nigel's Brexit party will slaughter everyone. His party didn't stand locally.

If there is a general election, the Brexit Party will be in government.

I cannot overstate what a MASSIVE shift in UK politics this is.

The old guard in the UK is finished as of today.

The establishment is finished.

The sheep have woken up.

There will be no protection for Royals and past/present crimes.

They are VERY scared.

I can't believe its finally happening.

2019-05-03 22:02:23 UTC  

"A federal investigation of West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has widened to include a range of tax documents on the governor’s expansive business portfolio, according to a subpoena sent to his administration last month.

The federal grand jury subpoena that the state Revenue Department released Friday asks for communications, meeting records and tax documents involving the state and any of the roughly 100 private business interests held by the Republican governor."

2019-05-04 00:12:02 UTC  

This just from April 1st!

Kamala Harris’ mortgage meltdown record under scrutiny as campaign heats up

2019-05-04 02:42:12 UTC  

IT'S HAPPENING!… BREAKING: Rep. Nunes Requests Info From State Dept, CIA, FBI, NSA on Joseph Mifsud – Deep State Spy @DevinNunes


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