Message from @lg

Discord ID: 577559954332975125

2019-05-13 18:05:20 UTC  

are you using the head phones now, or are they sitting off to the side

2019-05-13 18:05:28 UTC  

using them now

2019-05-13 18:05:39 UTC  

are you using push to talk

2019-05-13 18:05:59 UTC  

or voice activity

2019-05-13 18:06:18 UTC  

it was voice aciivity nnow its push to talk

2019-05-13 18:07:00 UTC  

well you should be able to hear me either way unless you are pushing to talk while I am talking

2019-05-13 18:07:10 UTC  


2019-05-13 18:07:36 UTC  

try voice activity again

2019-05-13 18:08:35 UTC  

check you settings again

2019-05-13 18:09:40 UTC  

yeah just did same thing

2019-05-13 18:10:04 UTC  

can u have karl come back in with us

2019-05-13 18:10:57 UTC  

he had a screenshot of somebody else this happened to

2019-05-13 18:11:11 UTC  

I can check if he is busy or not

2019-05-13 18:11:21 UTC  

did he post it on here

2019-05-13 18:12:13 UTC

2019-05-13 18:12:50 UTC  

is this the screen shot he shared

2019-05-13 18:13:15 UTC  


2019-05-13 18:13:49 UTC  

let me see if I can find the others

2019-05-13 18:14:05 UTC  

and I was able to do tht yesterday

2019-05-13 18:14:56 UTC  

i will get a message to Karl to if he has time to help or not

2019-05-13 18:17:03 UTC  

thank u sorry

2019-05-13 18:17:09 UTC  

in the mean time can you check to see what the input is set at

2019-05-13 18:18:07 UTC  

u mean the input volume

2019-05-13 18:19:38 UTC  

all the way to the right

2019-05-13 18:21:37 UTC  

sorry, I was messaging Karl

2019-05-13 18:22:11 UTC  

he is busy at the moment

2019-05-13 18:22:51 UTC  

yes, input all to the right

2019-05-13 18:23:09 UTC  

and output to the right

2019-05-13 18:23:34 UTC  

where is advanced discord settings

2019-05-13 18:24:12 UTC  

that would be in your settings

2019-05-13 18:24:30 UTC  

also check you computer mic and headphone setting

2019-05-13 18:25:22 UTC  

@Sosa321 message me if you get her all set up

2019-05-13 18:25:30 UTC  

you can find those on the little mic on the bottom right, the little mic, by your clock

2019-05-13 18:25:55 UTC  

I will Indy, thank you @Derik aka Indy News

2019-05-13 18:28:22 UTC  

Did you find your computer mic settings @lg

2019-05-13 18:28:37 UTC  


2019-05-13 18:28:43 UTC  

I can hear you @lg

2019-05-13 18:29:00 UTC  

yes, I can hear you

2019-05-13 18:30:20 UTC  

on the very bottom of screen where

2019-05-13 18:31:41 UTC  

where it shows your browsers or mail,

2019-05-13 18:32:36 UTC  

way over to the right of your screen is your clock and a picture of what looks like a mic