Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 614938427674066985
So do your icons look like this?
Click on those icon and see if the red lines go away
yeah, they will.
Do you see voice connected?
same as mine?
Let's double check your set up
Click this gear to open your account
then what, once I do that, I lose this step by step w/you. that's where I went wrong.
So, what do I see in settings/voice & sound/ then what?
Okay I will walk you through the next two steps but you will have to go back and forth between this window and the settings page
That's where I got lost. Could NOT find a way back. How do I do that? What left column item takes me back?
Hmmm That page was entirely white. Is that on the page? Okay.
I'll give it a go.
Open your account and try to locate that "ESC" icon. When you do click it and see if you return here
Okay, I see that X.
Very good that is how you navigate between the account and here
So, where do you want me to go now.
You poor thing! I'm sorry I'm a difficult student.
Open your account then follow these steps
Step # 1 Click Voice and Video
Step # 2 Switch from voice activity to push to talk
Step # 3 Select the key that you wish to use for the push to talk function
In my case I chose the F4 key but you decide whick key you wish to use
Preferably a key that you do not use often such as the right "alt" key or letter "x"
Not a problem it took me two weeks
I'm not used to using the F keys, you should excuse the expression. Those are shortcuts ?
You can choose the right hand "alt" key or shift key or letter Z or X or whatever
Select a key that you do not use often is best
k.let me go do that.
You will get it just don't give up on me and I won't give up on you
I have to download something? After I set the AltZ?
No do not download anything
Are you using the app?
Did you download the app?
I fear I may already have done so before I crashed.
Let me see if something's on my desktop
Did you ever receive a confirmation email from Discord after you downloaded the app?
Let me look.
How did you arrive at this server today?