Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 576904892610904065
@tattered flag a well deserved raise, I am sure 😉
Yes indeed he has put in a ton of work here.
@tattered flag I sure do appreciate all the hard work that is going on in the back ground to help with making this a more user friendly site, thanks for all your hard work also
@Sosa321 Back at you I appreciate everything you guys do for the live call in shows it is a lot of work for sure
If everyone carries a msall part then no one will be busting their hump
We are here to learn and have fun too
Share time together
@tattered flag yes, I totally agree, I know there are on going changes that have and are very helpful to the discord, which help make a person experience here more enjoyable
@Sosa321 Now you cannot get past the welcome room until you read the rules and up vote the rules. You can only see the Welcome to the Soapbox, Rules of the Road , Help Desk and Welcome Voice room that is it
Once you up vote then you can access more rooms but until then nothing
@tattered flag that is a very good improvement, hopefully helpful to the newbies, where a person can get some help right away when they get on discord, I can never remember which room has all the helpful links in it, so I always have to go search when I need them, lol
Must up vote to get beyond this point
The 55 item menu was overwhelmig for some
Freaked some out
Take one look and go the other way
that is a good idea, I like that the bot can also help when needed
Yes it is very cool now
I am off to Church so will see you tomorrow if you happen to be here
bye bye, have a good night
👍 👋
is there anyone around me to help
best of luck lol
ok there
i cant follow the tutorial
its late i willl check in with you tomorrow ok
@lg ..... type your messages here, so we don't have to keep bouncing back and forth, to private messages, thank you
can you hear me went I talk to you
it says rtc disconnnected
I need you to disconnect from the voice
look down to your left hand bottom of page where it has the rtc message
do you see the telephone
yes ok
that is your disconnect, you got it, good