Message from @RISING
Discord ID: 582685112320262144
I can get you an invite if that is what you are looking for
I am at the SO-Confuzzled Point.. I don't KNOW what I am looking into... I will FUMBLE around... and see if this is Something for me or not.. Thank YOU for YOUR Time...
@KEPUSAF Hey I totally understand I wandered around the Discord Desert for about a month before I figured out how to get around. My first two weeks was spent getting my machine working properly and that was very frustrating. I am just hard headed enough to not quit and now I am here in the help section working with new people as they come into the server
Everyone who comes into Discord faces the exact same learning curve no matter how tech savvy they may be. Give it a few days and see if this is your cup of tea.
Ill step back and let tattered handle it. Stick with it @KEPUSAF you'll get it friend.
@Jayde Thanks for filling on for me while I was out slaying dragons
@KEPUSAF You have already reached Level 1 and that means if you wish you can go live on the Call In Show with Pam & 412 this evening
Or any other call in show for that matter
@kermitu Welcome to discord we are glad that you joined us this evening
@Prayer Warrior do u need help with anything
@Prayer Warrior Did you lose audio
@Jayde Her app crashed again
Trying a reboot
Same thing happened last Wednesday
@2tru Welcome to the show
@TIMMY12345Y How are you today?
Iām great @tattered flag u?
Very well! Can I help you?
Very good. Great to see you again
Nothing at all
I see your avatar light up but nothing
I dont know what else to do
Could you hear me?
You could of heard my grand
Oh Boy!
You light up green but no sound
I did a voice check all comes back good. I just dont know
One last thing to try is this article it is mostly screen shots and a quick read. Please note that at the bottom of the page he states that when all else fails contact Discord support
I have had to contact Support 4 times and they have been very prompt with the reply
I will keep searching for solutions and if I locate any that I think might work then I will send them your way
New to discord! This is my test message.
Hello thanks for your response!
You're quite welcome! Glad to have you