Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 586663152599433267
@Starry Nightohhh is it a android or iphone? @tattered flag
@Starry Night we can try to help
@Starry Night looking for where to post?
@tattered flag looking for where to post?
for casual chat use <#464847785288794122>
if you are posting generic links, use this channel > <#435884183085252618>
for more deeply involved research try > <#430235056158801920>
or if you are looking for feedback pop into the PSB-voice channel first then post it in > <#435869520998170624> so you can hear any responses in voice too.
if you're posting memes use > <#430235056124985365>
if you just made some graphics youd like to share use > <#459837220136681482>
and finally if you have a news article that is brand new, as of today, then use > <#479838613857763329>
also, if you cant see or click any of those channels or want more channels, try checking the <#430892996716920852> for more options
WIL try again later. Like I said Not technically inclined.
@Starry Night that's ok, it can be a bit overwhelming at first...
@Starry Night No worries it took me two weeks to get my machine running correctly. If we can be of any help please do not hesitate to ask
That is what we are here for
if you click on the PS button, in the middle column does it let scroll down to different tabs ?
I dont have a PC Might be the problem.
@Starry Night please don't give up... it's just you know apple products are a bit different than other androids/os phones
but it should work too
Are you using Mac?
The app is the same it is how you configure it that is slightly different
No. J uslt have Samdung phone and Fire Tablet.
Okay I understand now did you try to set upyour push to talk function on your phone?
Click on this image to enlarge it for easier reading
@Starry Night @tattered flag and I are glad to help you
WIll try again later.
@Starry Night ok.
Glad that you joined us this evening
@tattered flag how do you see people before me?
It's not even in the welcome room yet?
@PhantomFighter good afternoon welcome
@Clarabel I watch the <#430201714260443137>
@tattered flag i do you silly flag
now you are just plain being windy
Yup I told you that I was fired up
@LovinTexas hello and good afternoon
Sloooowww night tonight!
@tattered flag Do I have everything I need to one day voice with you folks? Pre-screening voice has a padlock on it. I have no 'PSB Voice' showing.
No you do not have the ranking. Also you have not registered your account or read the rules of the road and agreed to those rules
Click that link and it will take you directly to the rules
I guess I missed all that somehow ..... okay one moment.
Only takes 2 minutes tops
Now you need to register your account
@Graffiti Forensics
You are almost done with the set up
One more thing then you can take off
@tattered flag I'm already registered in Discord for another stream holder as moderator. Do I need to do another registration for you folks?