Message from @prairiegirl
Discord ID: 589272174431305761
I think I’ve looked over I can do it’s somewhat familiar from last time
I heard u talking to me 10 minutes I was texting the show laughing at the voices!
Well I never heard on peep out of you so we have a problem
What type of phone are you using? Iphone7?
I phone 8
Okay I phone 8
Got it I will see if I can find out what the hell is going on
Be right back
I have to fix dinner I will review all info and call another time bye
Okay sorry we couldn;t get you running we can try again later
@salm37 Welcome to discord glad that you joined us this evening
@salm37 Do you have any question or would you like some assistance setting up your account?
Does anyone know date NeonRevolt interview is scheduled ?
@_NANO_ Digging for the info now please standby
The interview is June 18th at 11 AM Eastern time
@_NANO_ 👆
Awsome thank you
Hey tattered. I did what you said on getting voice to work. ( the image you sent) I’m not hearing any people Is that because I’m not hooked up right or no one is talking?
can you hear us now @prairiegirl
yeah, its like sitting at thanksgiving dinner and everyone is staring at each other and no one is talking
Gets super awkward and people just eat and look around the room
Hahaha yes!
Sorry I know it's not very clear, pulled of a scope
@_NANO_ This room is reserved for members to get assistance on navigating Discord. Items such as these would be better suited in <#435884183085252618> - <#430244783152168981>. Thank you !
@_NANO_ looking for where to post?
@tattered flag looking for where to post?
for casual chat use <#464847785288794122>
if you are posting generic links, use this channel > <#435884183085252618>
for more deeply involved research try > <#430235056158801920>
or if you are looking for feedback pop into the PSB-voice channel first then post it in > <#435869520998170624> so you can hear any responses in voice too.
if you're posting memes use > <#430235056124985365>
if you just made some graphics youd like to share use > <#459837220136681482>
and finally if you have a news article that is brand new, as of today, then use > <#479838613857763329>
also, if you cant see or click any of those channels or want more channels, try checking the <#430892996716920852> for more options
@Chrono Triggered welcome to the PSB discord
@Clarabel TY glad to be here!
@Chrono Triggered That's great
@Chrono Triggered have you read the rules and if you agreed clicked the thumbs up? also did you do opt in channels to open the discord options up?
@Clarabel yes I read the rules and gave thumbs up. Not sure if I did the opt in channels.
@Chrono Triggered just so i know kind of what you are looking at - are you using a pc or phone?
I see you your avatar is in offtopic phone - which has a sound icon so you are in a voice room.
oh so that means you must have done options.
Nice, yea haven't been on for a while must have done it a while back
@Chrono Triggered great - have you set up your mic? Its nice to get the push to talk set up for voice rooms or if you ever decide to call in