Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 594294193506222081
@Melania_T Are you familiar with Discord and how to set up your account?
just a second
I know this is small but can you decipher it at all?
In your settings - should be voice option?
okay great Thank you I changed it.
@LLN INC ok... great so glad it helps if you click into a voice room
@LLN INC did you go in your email and register your account? Then you have to go to rules of the road - click on thumbs up if you agree and then opt in channels!!!
I did, I accepted the terms, this was before the push to talk.
@LLN INC hmm you should be acquiesced but it doesn't say that on your name? @tatteredflag
The click meter is still sitting at 40 clicks
@LLN INC I think if you go back in to the rules of the road and click thumbs up.. number should change from 40 to 41
@tattered flag click what??
The thumbs up emoji
the number is over 228
hahaha when i look it's 228
@tattered flag YES!!!!
@Clarabel Go figger
@tattered flag nothing like me baffling the new person arghhhhh
your avatar lights up
Yes, I will reset phone with new updates
Thanks for being so patience
@LLN INC Please check to make sure that you registered your account in the confirmation email from Discord
You are not showing any ranking yet so that is why I am asking that question
you got me confuzzled