Message from @Lucy Q
Discord ID: 604076686597816325
Dming you know
@ROBERT Armon welcome to PSB discord
@ROBERT Armon this is the help desk text area the other was a direct message area
Ooops! Did I cause a problem?
@ROBERT Armon awesome you did the thumbs up...
@tattered flag no problem..?
You can add to your main menu the items of interest to you
@ROBERT Armon next thing to do Opt in channels
Hotlink is in blue text
hmmm he went dark @tattered flag
Got skeered
@tattered flag AFK
@Clarabel 👆 👆 👆 👆
Take your time going but hurry up and come on back
@Lucy Q Can you read this message?
Please read the rules and click the thumbs up emoji to agree to the rules
Blue text is a hotlink
Oh you already have done that please forgive
yes you tld me how to yesterday
Sorry I work with quite a few new people daily and forget who I have helped sometimes
We had 12 new people come into Discord in 30minutes this eveing
no worrys hun i am just glad i am here
Have you gone into the psb voice room yet?
well i might have been telling everyone about PBS and this discord channel....the gamers love it
i have not gone in there yet
They are discussing al manner of topics this evening and oyu ar welcome to join
You do not have to say one word it that is your choice
ok ill give it a look see thanks !!
You bet I was messaging someone else sorry about the long delay
@Lucy Q
hey no worrys i only get triggerd by
The hell you say?
lol have 6 that live in my block.....not fun