Message from @jello
Discord ID: 277315435249139712
well thanks doctor piss, that is super interesting. usually just spend time on /pol/ to fuck around, almost never learn something new
also guys if you have good vids of antifa being antifa, especially where they threaten to steal or smash cameras
please message them to me
i am spending my whole weekend compiling a 3 minute supercut of these events, along with them assaulting people
it'll be hate porn
rage porn actually
i'm looking for, in specific, this one clip where the antifaggot is counting down from 30 seconds before he "takes someones phone"
i cant fucking find it
it's pre berkeley maybe from the nyu protest
The Spanish and Portuguese did like 90% of the slave trading.
hey btw
jews & portuguese^
But blacks blame white Americans for everything.
its china thats funding antifa
not soros
probably him as well
8ch is slow
4chan has an annoying amount of filler shitposts
Hey @DoctorPiss one of my contacts would like to join
he's a /baph/ole
found the shill^^^
share this invite with the baphole
feel free to use invites you make yourself too
someone b& the cuck
i think everyone can do it
man im immune to cuckposting now
after 2009
those were the bad days
every other thread was bbc
Ok, no more cuckposting
Fuck off @Hernán Cortés you kike faggot
honestly i cant blame him
if you are here from 4chan