Message from @Bogatyr Bogumir

Discord ID: 486283657649061889

2018-09-03 21:05:51 UTC  


2018-09-03 21:06:39 UTC  

gender fluidity is not some hypothesis

2018-09-03 21:06:46 UTC  

there are people that are gender fluid

2018-09-03 21:07:38 UTC  

Its psychological warfare. It sends people back into developmental mindsets where they question not only their identity but what even constitutes self. Its classic psychosexual warfare.

2018-09-03 21:08:13 UTC  

To get someone to stop questioning authority you must get them to obsess over self

2018-09-03 21:09:34 UTC  

Gender fluidity really isn’t anything substantiated

2018-09-03 21:09:52 UTC  

By science or even social studies really

2018-09-03 21:12:30 UTC  

@Jay1532 I cant even begin to admit how true this is as far as memorization goes and a lack of critical thought. My exams are always absolutely brutal memorization and the room for creativity with understanding is non existent. We are supposed to memorize the structures, the reactions, the cofactors and thats it. What it means, how it works is irrellevent. However I do enjoy physiology because it demands us to think, to draw connections. Hell so far Im the only one going after class to proffessors and discussing my somewhat informed methods of treating say crush injuries nad major bone loss, nerve severing, or I randomely came up with the idea of using immune cells to treat cancer, turns out thats already being used and developed However I have criticisms of the methods used.

Insofar no one else in a class o over 300 people does what I do, and its depressing because I try to discuss the ideas and people cant even comprehend how i get ot the conclusions i get to, and its because they have been conditioned to memorize, if its not in the book they cant fathom it. Sadly, none of them will ever become true scientists.

Also have you guys seen Distributist vs. liberalism _________, it literally delves into what the school system does to you. The guy is a literal product of that.

2018-09-03 21:13:10 UTC  

It also fits the mold of jewish divide and conquer tactics. By splitting gentiles into smaller and smaller identification groups they are more likely to bicker amongst themselves than unite and question who is really in charge

2018-09-03 21:14:03 UTC  

Yup the Jews done did it

2018-09-03 21:14:03 UTC  

so the jews invented gender fluidity

2018-09-03 21:14:06 UTC  


2018-09-03 21:14:06 UTC  

also gender fluidity is not real, its either based on misconception or based on a sort of behaviourist view of the world which is just not true, it also assumes tha twe are blank slates. its an impossible theory and I think Kinsley was the one that wrote about it its brutal. The guy wrote probably the most unscientific paper that is widly accepted.

and that is also true Jay, I mean thats why you breka apart by the biggest groups and enter into subgroups.

2018-09-03 21:14:52 UTC  

Undoubtedly. Jews are involved at every level of critical theory and queer theory is no exception

2018-09-03 21:15:01 UTC  

w h a t

2018-09-03 21:15:17 UTC  

So are whites, blacks, and Asians?

2018-09-03 21:15:22 UTC  

Jews aren’t special

2018-09-03 21:15:22 UTC  

please elaborate! i would love to understand why you think this

2018-09-03 21:17:13 UTC  

i don't see jews involved in kritiks of the way society treats brown women but ok

2018-09-03 21:17:21 UTC  

The frankfurt school of critical theory was responsible for many of the social excesses of the weimar republic. After hitler deported them they set up shop in NYC and spread their cultural theories to american universities. Predominately jewish led

2018-09-03 21:17:38 UTC  

So man woman, then we see races if possible, we then see minorities and the nature of groups is that people enter into groups with the hopes of securing their existence, and well being, as well as projecting power. Groups strive to expand their power and often minority groups will try to secure superior power over the majority as to secure their existence and project the most power, thereby surviving rather than being disolved.

Also I do believe jews are simply overepresented in critical theory and gender theory. Its not uncommon suprisingly, much like their overrepresentation ina cademia. And well simply speaking very strong ethnic awareness. (For example Polands govorment is to some increasing degree infiltrated by jews, who help each other get into power. It fits with my model which I hold to be true about groups)

2018-09-03 21:17:53 UTC  

well i guess the jews created gays then we've solved the puzzle lads

2018-09-03 21:18:21 UTC  

A few Jewish guys <:unequal:473954748517842954> Jewish people as a whole

2018-09-03 21:18:29 UTC  

lol, "we have solved the gay issue, we feed them pure zykonB" "But sir thats unethical" "then just call it praying the gay away"

2018-09-03 21:18:57 UTC  

You act like jews have never been behind cultural subversion before, lol

2018-09-03 21:19:26 UTC  

yeah because they haven't

2018-09-03 21:19:30 UTC  

issue is that its not just a few jews, its a lot of jews and they have a supremely strong in group bias. Poland and eastern europe experienced this ethnic awareness brutally and it cost literally millions of lives. At least some I think 20 K at katyn.

2018-09-03 21:19:32 UTC  

Its just a coincidence that they were overrepresented in both the bloody french and russian revolutions, as well

2018-09-03 21:20:14 UTC  

^ yup you got it

2018-09-03 21:20:46 UTC  

It is

2018-09-03 21:21:12 UTC  

consider: maybe this was because jews have been historically discriminated against in europe and so would be more likely to join a movement which wants to overthrow the old regime

2018-09-03 21:21:57 UTC  

No, its not. Jews are organized internationally and their cabal system had always been used to weaken the host country to better enable their usury and population control of gentiles

2018-09-03 21:22:14 UTC  

do you have uh

2018-09-03 21:22:17 UTC  

a source on that

2018-09-03 21:22:44 UTC  

No he just wants a group to be mad at you’ll hurt his feelings

2018-09-03 21:22:56 UTC  

ah gotcha ty

2018-09-03 21:23:08 UTC  

Read “For My Legionaries” and try to disprove what happened on romania

2018-09-03 21:23:11 UTC  

Literally Katyn was a massacre by the NKWD which killed Polish officers and soldiers of the Polish underground, who were often intelligencia and aristocratic dissendants and the primary force pushing jews away from total control in Poland. They took over the polish lower and middle class to the point there was a derogatory saying "nasze kamienice wasze ulice" "our buildings your streets".

They evne asked to be put in ghettos, this is Polish jewish scholars who wrote these things. And jewish representation in the NKWD was a result from the earlier communit revolution in russia where they subsequently went about exterminating the ethnic russians, who were lower clas ergo their biggest enemies in russia.

2018-09-03 21:23:41 UTC  

Jews have played a leading role in every revolutioary movement in the west

2018-09-03 21:23:53 UTC  

again, please see what i said previously

2018-09-03 21:24:15 UTC  

They play the game looking decades ahead whereas western man has been tricked into only thinking of himself.