Message from @|4d|61|74|74|

Discord ID: 517386996058947587

2018-11-28 17:08:45 UTC  

donating much money to charity

2018-11-28 17:08:53 UTC  

so he married a kid afterwards lmao

2018-11-28 17:08:58 UTC  

i can see the idea

2018-11-28 17:09:18 UTC  

lmfao you obv dont know the seerah

2018-11-28 17:09:25 UTC  

and you dont know how hadiths work

2018-11-28 17:09:29 UTC  

I never read your book

2018-11-28 17:09:31 UTC  

the hadith is incorrect

2018-11-28 17:09:44 UTC  

nah then dont judge us abrahamic monotheists

2018-11-28 17:09:47 UTC  

fuck off atheist

2018-11-28 17:09:51 UTC  

I read the Bible, not all, some parts of it, also looked for the proof of the pope being chosen

2018-11-28 17:09:54 UTC  

im not an atheist

2018-11-28 17:09:56 UTC  

eat my dick

2018-11-28 17:10:11 UTC  

"some parts of it"

2018-11-28 17:10:18 UTC  

i see why you are dumb as fuck

2018-11-28 17:10:25 UTC  

my favourite hobby isnt to read jewish propaganda

2018-11-28 17:10:36 UTC  

neither is to read some "acient" fucking books from cave men

2018-11-28 17:10:36 UTC  

>jewish propaganda argument

2018-11-28 17:10:48 UTC  

gtfo pagan jew cocksucker

2018-11-28 17:10:51 UTC  


2018-11-28 17:11:12 UTC  

you're just crying because your daddy saudi arabia piss on muslims?

2018-11-28 17:11:13 UTC  

islam is a continuation after Jesus Christ pbuh

2018-11-28 17:11:33 UTC  

and christianity is a continuation after Prophet David pbuh

2018-11-28 17:11:37 UTC  

muh siria, muh liberia, reee kaddaffiii reeeee

2018-11-28 17:11:42 UTC  

meanwhile saudi arabia

2018-11-28 17:11:44 UTC  

muh shariah

2018-11-28 17:11:53 UTC  

>scratch their asses and fart

2018-11-28 17:12:04 UTC  

more like muh cultural marxism

2018-11-28 17:12:11 UTC  

muh non oppressive laws

2018-11-28 17:12:26 UTC  

it is cultural marxism to have death penalty and make women worse in the law lmao

2018-11-28 17:12:42 UTC  

yeah find yourself a personal fuck slave like a good muslim does

2018-11-28 17:12:45 UTC  

whats wrong with punishing unchaste women

2018-11-28 17:12:55 UTC  

its just getting rid of degeneracy

2018-11-28 17:13:03 UTC  

whats wrong with blowing up infidels

2018-11-28 17:13:19 UTC  

did you read @Bogatyr Bogumir story

2018-11-28 17:13:24 UTC  

Yes, they absolutely are. When I was in highschool massive drinking and alcohol infused parties with drugs were the norm. They never actually got punished for it, their IQ sank down the drain as did their character, both moral and personal.

e and it all fell apart. So even in the outcast group everything was degenerate

2018-11-28 17:13:27 UTC  

Not to mention that nearly all "chads" and "chadlets" had fucked everyone else. Almost not a single girl left my chighschool a virgin, several having had devils triangles or foursomes in the most bizzaire ways. No boy could toalk to the girls because chances were he fucked one of her friends. Sluttiness was the norm for both men and women. The irony was that, and remains, is that men are the ones responsible for womens behaviour in many ways. If a man learns that she had many partners and immediately dumps her, calls her rghtfully a whore and leaves her then and there, its a clear message that she is unworthy. If multiple men, say 40% of society does this, this 40% of chads become the highest bidded men, and literally will dictate everything. Since most guys put their dicks thirst over their dignity its no suprise that men have no value in todays society. And women have no trouble or care about cheating or manipulating men to meet their own personal goals.

I was part of an outcast group and every single person in my group aimed to e in a relationship befor ethey had sex. However there was one issue, the man didnt dictate anything and was subserviant to the woman, as that is what we were taught respecting women was in school. As such sex was used as a weapon rather than something that the man expected to conquer when the time was right. One guy in the group, the beta, desired a girl only to have sex and so he was an absolute scumbucket to what otherwise would have been an amazing wife. The other went from one girl to the other searching for some strip to land his dick on, failing to seduce one then bombarding the other and when all was said and done, a little long distanc

2018-11-28 17:13:34 UTC  

this is his story

2018-11-28 17:13:45 UTC  

religion fixes some of your disgusting degenerate behaviors

2018-11-28 17:13:50 UTC  

why would I read it

2018-11-28 17:13:52 UTC  

such as fucking around