Message from @mdcrubengonza
Discord ID: 463510545216307220
sexual preference or racism?
Honestly, I probably could, but I would avoid it at all costs.
I have a beautiful black women roommate too who shot me down a year ago before I went full fascist.
There is nothing inherently immoral with race mixing
I agree
but I also agree with logan
I'm rarely sexually attracted to black women.
the one above isnt bad though
Black women are in general, ugly. No one can change my mind.
@mdcrubengonza if she didn’t reject u do u think you’d still be a fascist?
ugly is a fact
Yeah, I have gone through a bit of an ordeal this last year that has taught me a lot about life and the preference to keep to your own race.
Yes but whether something is beautiful or not is opinion
That is correct. I feel there are beautiful black women, they just are VERY rare.
I like you Obungus.
It’s your opinion tho again lol
Everyone has a different preference
If my mother was Black I would probably find them infinitely more attractive.
So what country if any would have represented the type of fascism u agree with
Some people are objectively ugly and you can't convince me otherwise
I am going to go with a hybrid of Pinochet and Hitler
I am for ethno-centric fascism based on Mestizo race.
And why do you think a fascist society would be better than today’s society
fascism = gay
The decay that has been promoted through multi-culturalism and degenerate behavior can only be checked with a vehement and equally strong force from the oppossite side of the spectrum. Fascism.
What decay tho?
The lives of people today are better than ever before
some people
Objectively everyone’s lives better than 50 years ago
Fascism is an excuse for racists and radical patriots to go to war
I don't see it. I see family torns apart with family court cases favoring women 10 to 1. I see media constantly pushing white shame. I see politicians taking money from corrupt entities and promoting ideas that are not helpful to the people. I see businesses profiting off of vice.