Message from @|4d|61|74|74|

Discord ID: 516983591260127232

2018-11-27 14:01:34 UTC  

If Ukrainians were the provocators then Russia would tell them to fuck off, return their ship, their crew and publicly scold them

2018-11-27 14:03:04 UTC  

Hey guys

2018-11-27 14:03:18 UTC  

A lot of right wing servers/accounts got deleted apparently

2018-11-27 14:18:18 UTC  

```Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic, said that he did not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[44] ```

2018-11-27 14:18:34 UTC  

>supporting independence of a republic on east

2018-11-27 14:23:04 UTC  

```A senior U.S. official, asked if the material was authentic, told NBC News that there was “nothing to indicate otherwise.”```

2018-11-27 14:23:18 UTC  

fucking ukrainian provocation yeah?

2018-11-27 14:25:41 UTC  

-> Uses mainstream sources

Bro mainstream makes russia ebul in every way. Real time footage tends to actually absolve russia of many of the things the west accuses it of. Such as sending tanks into ukraine, etc. Honestly The most liekly scenario is russia acted legally, however its a nice spi now. Kiev deserves to fall and get a new president that wont genocide his people. This war never should have happened and it only happened because the west went meddling into ukrains affairs. Now the US is mass arming Ukraine and basically milking it dry, while prepping Poland for similar treatment, or rather it is already milking Poland.

Russia aint no saint, but lets at least accuse them of things that they actually are guilty of.

2018-11-27 14:25:48 UTC  

mainstream sources?

2018-11-27 14:25:52 UTC  

-> NBC

2018-11-27 14:25:54 UTC  

want me to find that hackers' group files?

2018-11-27 14:26:16 UTC  

go for it thats much better than mainstream sources refrencing the files

2018-11-27 14:26:52 UTC  

also if a mainstream source refrences files, then it casts doubt on the files. Rather the better sources are ones the mainstream avoids because they avoid it because its not useful to them

2018-11-27 14:27:10 UTC  

i kurwa mac, i hate this potato PC

2018-11-27 14:27:37 UTC  

cant read in russian that well

2018-11-27 14:27:41 UTC  

and i cant read cyrillic, russian or ukranian :/

2018-11-27 14:27:47 UTC  

but google translate can get me some info

2018-11-27 14:28:13 UTC  

they mostly hacked Surkov

2018-11-27 14:28:19 UTC  

the cyber hunta's website points at the same guy

2018-11-27 14:28:23 UTC  

ah ukranian hackers, that casts some doubt on the source already. however ill keep an open mind

2018-11-27 14:28:39 UTC  

doubt? russian hackers tried hacking into white house

2018-11-27 14:28:45 UTC  

netherlands warned americans about it

2018-11-27 14:28:50 UTC  

and americans sold out the netherlands

2018-11-27 14:28:51 UTC  


2018-11-27 14:28:59 UTC  

??? the whole russians hacked the election thing? or is this a different incident?

2018-11-27 14:29:04 UTC  

a different

2018-11-27 14:29:08 UTC  

it happened 4 years ago or so

2018-11-27 14:29:18 UTC  

Russians are known for having their own specialized hacker groups

2018-11-27 14:30:38 UTC  

true, however the fact the US didnt actually do anything is kind of telling. 90% of the stories the mainstream propagates about russia ar elegitimately falsified in some way, ot the point that evne the true stories start to be rediculous.

2018-11-27 14:30:54 UTC  

falsified? Netherlands called the white house themselves

2018-11-27 14:30:57 UTC  

also so i got google to translate the first part tha tcan be translated.

2018-11-27 14:31:00 UTC  

and later got pissed off and told of that in public

2018-11-27 14:31:27 UTC  

I vageuly remember this however russia is not the ebul side in ukrains conflict, rather the US and Kiev is, as unfortunate as that is

2018-11-27 14:31:53 UTC  

```According to Dutch media, AIVD agents also watched when Russian hackers launched an attack on the State Department in 2014 and compromised unclassified systems at the White House as well as in Congress.

Officials later told The Post that the NSA had been alerted to the hacks by an unnamed Western intelligence agency. The Western ally had previously hacked not only the Russians’ computers but also surveillance cameras inside their offices. The unnamed Western analysts were monitoring the hackers’ maneuvers inside U.S. networks and even collected CCTV footage of those involved.```

2018-11-27 14:32:10 UTC  


2018-11-27 14:32:12 UTC  


2018-11-27 14:32:30 UTC  

```Thursday’s reports indicated for the first time that the ally that alerted the United States may have been the Netherlands. The country’s analysts were reportedly also able to track the location of the hackers' offices down to a university building next Moscow’s Red Square.```

2018-11-27 14:32:40 UTC  

"W jego mailu znaleźliśmy plany kryminalne Putina i jego sługusów, aby kontynuować zajmowanie ukraińskich terytoriów na zachodniej Ukrainie, w tym planuje zdestabilizować życie polityczne na Ukrainie i przeprowadzić przedterminowe wybory parlamentarne."

this is the second half describing what the documents have

"In his email we found criminal plans of Putin and his servants, to continue taking over ukrainians east territories, and planing to destabilize political life in Ikraine and proceed with early elections"