Message from @Reb Trump

Discord ID: 532211558986678273

2019-01-08 14:50:56 UTC  


2019-01-08 14:51:47 UTC  

I think this is preceding and was a common occurqnce if jews wanted to leave to the US or else where the german navy didnt Brother stopping them and let them through. However as far as german Just shooting jews, they ahot any one suspect to be a nuisance, its also interesting that there was a relatively large population that went unmolested.

2019-01-08 14:52:24 UTC  

Jews fit the Bill of rural nuisance, much like any educated local or military kochał

2019-01-08 14:52:27 UTC  


2019-01-08 14:52:54 UTC  

` the Holocaust enabled Israel to pressure Germany into supplying the economic base necessary to build infrastructure and support those immigrants;` The "support" came from the land itself. Jews had owned infrastructure in ISrael prior to the holocaust. And even if germany funded a large portion, it doesn't change the fact that the holocaust happened.

2019-01-08 14:53:15 UTC  

`and finally, the Holocaust swayed world opinion so that the United Nations approved the State of Israel in 1948.` This is likely true

2019-01-08 14:53:35 UTC  

but had the UN not approved of Israel, it would simply be in rogue status

2019-01-08 14:53:48 UTC  

it successfully defended itself in its war of independence

2019-01-08 14:53:54 UTC  

and declared a state

2019-01-08 14:54:50 UTC  

`its also interesting that there was a relatively large population that went unmolested.` BS. @Bogatyr Bogumir they even killed babies. they didn't discriminate by jew

2019-01-08 14:56:50 UTC  

@Reb Trump they didnt kill Everyone tho, jews even made up several batallions in the german army and j think they didnt molest the So called locally naturalized jews. There is an i teresting Article that i read where the jews in the ghetto, as Long as well behaved, didnt suffer any worse fate or were in fact better treated than their surrounding neighbors. Considering those neighbors were likely tryi g to get freedom it mąkes sense

2019-01-08 14:57:18 UTC  

I never denied them killing babies or Such tjings they did but they didnt blindy go hunting jews

2019-01-08 14:57:34 UTC  

this is a backflip of a revision

2019-01-08 14:57:34 UTC  

That would mąkę it mission i. Possible

2019-01-08 14:57:43 UTC  

this is why they set up a polizei

2019-01-08 14:57:48 UTC  

where they went

2019-01-08 14:57:55 UTC  

it's why locals were told not to interact wit hthe jews

2019-01-08 14:58:04 UTC  

it's why jews were ordered

2019-01-08 14:58:15 UTC  

to report to X location at Y time

2019-01-08 14:58:37 UTC  

and it's why those jews would typically be dead overnight

2019-01-08 14:58:43 UTC  

when the ghetto was liquidated

2019-01-08 14:58:55 UTC  

it's what I've seen in every village/town I've looked at

2019-01-08 14:59:34 UTC  

The towns Yes but cities were most likely sufferig different fates. But i need to find the Article since the Man uses jewish source and cross referw ces them with Western soueces

2019-01-08 14:59:38 UTC  

`, jews even made up several batallions in the german army`

2019-01-08 14:59:44 UTC  

link source

2019-01-08 14:59:59 UTC  

you're going to ifnd some miscling who got an aryan certificate

2019-01-08 15:00:05 UTC  

Thats the only reason i accepted the theory. Whe i get home ill try to find it. And the batalion thing.

2019-01-08 15:00:17 UTC  

or you'll find that hitler spared the life of his mom's doctor

2019-01-08 15:00:37 UTC  

cities too

2019-01-08 15:00:40 UTC  

same story

2019-01-08 15:01:52 UTC  

germans policy can be generalized how easy it was to transport jews to extermination camps

2019-01-08 15:01:56 UTC  

if it was easy

2019-01-08 15:02:00 UTC  

that's what they did

2019-01-08 15:02:03 UTC  

if it wasn't

2019-01-08 15:02:06 UTC  

they killed them there

2019-01-08 15:02:06 UTC  

If this was the case then all jews were extermi ated on aight co sta tly that was not the case nor were death camps the majoroty of deatha.

2019-01-08 15:02:33 UTC  

I'm not arguing what % death camps made up

2019-01-08 15:03:00 UTC  

I'm telling you that there is a clear story what happened in those places

2019-01-08 15:03:08 UTC  

and it was what was reported by the locals

2019-01-08 15:03:14 UTC  

typically, slavic goyim

2019-01-08 15:04:09 UTC  

it's really hard to mistake an event