Message from @sporus
Discord ID: 634037750584311827
"Money is not real capital, it bears the title only. True capital is labor, and is confined to the laboring classes. They only possess it. It is the bone, sinew, nerve, and muscle of man that subdue the earth, make it yield its strength, and administer to his varied wants. This power tears down mountains and fills up valleys, builds cities and temples, and paves the streets. In short, what is there that yields shelter and comfort to civilized man, that is not produced by the strength of his arm making the elements bend to his will?" (JoD 1:248, Brigham Young)
Who's the owner here?
ohhh okay
first order of business
I can't sage myself
is this a back up server?
Save the planet, stop immigration totally!
haha jesus
is that real?
oh wait it's obvious nvm
@Romulus yeah this is the back up server
Cause gom keeps getting taken down
Why were national-socialists "judjed" for the holocoaust that never happened while liberals had no punishment for bombardmend of Dresden that really occured?
Germany deserved Dresden
They bombed us first
Jews deserved holocaust
They starved us first
Arguments level 99
I've understood everithing
You are animefag
Your voice doesn't count.