Message from @Reverse Furry
Discord ID: 607252466752421920
happened to the us womens team also
They are being full of themselves and bitching about pay
what a wonderful world we live in
@Belisarius you stole this meme
From Debates
For shame
i will not go quietly
She looked pretty much like a regular human to me, so I don't get this whole identity crisis. Besides, she lives in New York, so there must be folks around also born out of mixed race couples.
Besides, I don't get this obsession over racial identity anyway. I really fail to see the big whoop there. Might just be me, I dunno.
So what?
That is what that advert is for...
they have no way of helping them unless an unrelated person magically helps
You don't need magic for that.
That very advert is trying to setup a donor register...
exactly money in a homogenous society that would be used for better things such as stopping rationing.
Britain isn't a homogenous society.
Besides, you are arguing to limit people's liberty, due to the existence of a small inconvenience.
@Farao Ramses II The UK used to have homogenous societies and even had sub sectors for them and let them run their own parliaments within the country which is why Scotland and Whales have their own laws and courts compared to England.
Your point being?
@Farao Ramses II ever since these outside people have been introduced to the UK the UK has been on a decline in everything but crime which they are spiking in.