Message from @Li Kin Wa
Discord ID: 451973243574681620
brother, look at these images of Koreans before the Japanese conquered and colonized them. @Li Kin Wa
what a pathetic and trashy race.
look at this. this is the average Korean woman without makeup and plastic surgery.
quick, purify them.
fap material.
fact: millions of Korean women have had plastic surgery done.
they are all ugly.
Asians are hotter than Europeans.
no they arent
@Li Kin Wa Korea is known as a fake and degenerate land. everyone is fake. the faces are fake. the culture is fake.
that's a man on the left
their pupils aren't even the same size #fake
@Kalki Division its you on the left
dude this is a baste jew
btfoing christcucks
@Li Kin Wa what is your opinion of the Southeast Asians, sir.
this is a real pic of me though don't spread it around please
yes the values of Christians that *didn't* originate from the same region as Judaism.
They are held back by Islam and communism.
and is pure European belief while Judaism is evil and not European.
you talking about those Indonesians and other island people? @Li Kin Wa
I see them as genetically inferior.
they're all monkeys.
with Negrito blood.
i know a few based indonesians
first of all, you rephrasing what I said was not a direct quotation.