Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 460273297461084160

to an extent yes

I mean I don't live to make people like me

I live to be known

which btw, is a trait common amongst school shooters and tyrants who commit genocide lol

not that I want to be either

I have a moral guide still

I still want there to be a general respect for me amongst people

I want to have people that have my back

but if I have that, the only goal is notoriety then

if we want to dive into the philosophy of this

2018-06-24 01:42:07 UTC want to leave something memorable behind?

a few quotes

"You die twice. The first time is when you breathe your last breathe and the second is when your name is said for the last time"

or something like that

"It is better to be remembered in a negative light than not remembered at all."

2018-06-24 01:47:10 UTC  

people forget bad things very quickly

2018-06-24 01:47:30 UTC  

but nice things are much more likely to last in memory

I would have to disagree with that

2018-06-24 02:41:45 UTC  

?roleinfo labor

2018-06-24 02:41:45 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:42:20 UTC  

?roleinfo socialist

2018-06-24 02:42:21 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:42:31 UTC  

?roleinfo Progressive

2018-06-24 02:42:31 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:42:44 UTC  

add them together you get 18

2018-06-24 02:42:55 UTC  

?roleinfo libertarian

2018-06-24 02:42:55 UTC  

?roleinfo libertarian

2018-06-24 02:42:55 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:42:55 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:43:06 UTC  

larger than the libertarian

2018-06-24 02:43:11 UTC  

thought of the same thing 😂

2018-06-24 02:43:57 UTC  
2018-06-24 02:47:15 UTC  

What's up

2018-06-24 02:47:53 UTC  

you really aught to merge them

2018-06-24 02:50:09 UTC  

Merge who

2018-06-24 02:50:27 UTC  

socialist, labor and progressive parties

2018-06-24 02:51:12 UTC  

?roleinfo conservative

2018-06-24 02:51:12 UTC  

2018-06-24 02:51:26 UTC  

?roleinfo communist

2018-06-24 02:51:26 UTC