Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 451750637680590848
atleast have enough pride in your nation to want to clean it out
full of fake ass shit
get rid of the jews and internationalists
???? (((they))) aren't the problem
capitalism is :dab:
Shut up, retard. Death to the United States.
ah yes excuse me the people kicked out of cities and countries over 100 times aren't a problem
The US government is evil and corrupt.
and that's why you fix it you fucking mong
The US was gay from the beginning.
Because of the constitution.
Just destroy the whole thing.
fascist infighting?
acerola is just a literal retard
I wipe my ass using the stars and stripes. American nationalism is for retards.
So is white nationalism.
I'm a Nazi. America is a kike system.
Destroy it.
oh dear god
Why would I have pride for a shitty country made by dumbass freemasons?
You're a faggot, my man.
you're a special type of retard aren't you, buddy
Only a retard would like America, my man.
no wonder you're such a faggot, you read siege
White nationalism is for pussies and weaklings.
The alt right can suck itself.
then what the fuck do you stand for besides human extermination
I stand for Nazism. America is a threat to Nazism and the entire world. Simple.
The United States has always been a corrupt and decadent institution.
GiVe uP YoUR cUltURe
Death to America. Death to capitalism.
on one hand free market capitalist be like "capitalism is globalized and nationality doesn't matter"