Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 452121221010554890

2018-06-01 14:23:01 UTC  

That was good

2018-06-01 14:23:31 UTC  


2018-06-01 14:24:23 UTC


2018-06-01 14:25:39 UTC  

This shit is weirder than Nazbols.

wtf have you never heard of islambol

or christbol?

2018-06-01 14:27:23 UTC  

I heard of them, but weird af.

2018-06-01 14:29:50 UTC  

like communism is anti-religion, i think?

2018-06-01 14:29:56 UTC  

correct me if im misunderstood

2018-06-01 14:31:28 UTC  

Most of the time they are but some commies respect religion or just don't care

2018-06-01 14:32:41 UTC  

For example, the Soviet Union persecuted those who held religious beliefs and banned and shut down many churches

2018-06-01 14:33:47 UTC  


2018-06-01 14:35:01 UTC  

@Rhodesiaboo is that new

@Li Kin Wa communism is anti whatever form religion is under capitalism

other forms of religion unaffected by the capitalist mode of production can be synthesized or whatever

2018-06-01 14:46:20 UTC  

Nigga that made no sense. How the fuck does religion get influenced by the free market?

2018-06-01 14:47:16 UTC  

**Don't ask... they will talk about Imperalism.**

wtf do people understand how capitalism works in reality vs the projected image. Religion like everything in capitalistic society

can be commodified

we see even an earlier example of proto-commodification of religion where the catholic church could be paid to 'lower sins' and that's kinda what sparked the protestant revolution smh.

2018-06-01 14:50:47 UTC  

Yea what the Catholic church did was greedy

2018-06-01 14:51:28 UTC  

I think that the first crusade was justified. After that it wasn’t really

2018-06-01 14:51:55 UTC  


tbh now that i think about it


under feudalism

shows the superstructure and base relationship

religion was needed to maintain the order of feudalistic socities

and it legitmatize the feudalistic reign of monarchs

through divine reign

2018-06-01 14:53:23 UTC  

Religion was used as a justification for ruling for a long tome before the feudal ages

2018-06-01 14:53:47 UTC  

I thought communism was against religion because religion is inherently hierarchical 🤔

2018-06-01 14:53:54 UTC  

It was very popular Among weakfish societies

2018-06-01 14:54:05 UTC  

Egypt being one of the main examples

2018-06-01 14:54:41 UTC  

From my earlier discussion with Scott I think he’s saying that the church like other things in society change with the nature of it

religion under capitalism and feudalism is inherently hierarchical* we don't know about how other forms of religion could be synthesized.

2018-06-01 14:55:04 UTC  

Romans believed their emperors to be the disciples of gods

2018-06-01 14:55:14 UTC  

Egyptians to the Chinese