Message from @McSchlick

Discord ID: 454746737698013185

but i equally don't think you should get rid of them and then do nothing for the people who **live there**

Rio de Janeiro's solution was **well we'll just cover them up for the Olympics so tourists see nothing.**

2018-06-08 20:37:55 UTC  

Lol yup

poor people? what poor people? we only have beaches and hotels

2018-06-08 20:38:11 UTC  

And their Olympic stuff is in ruin already

2018-06-08 20:38:18 UTC  

Great work by the government there

olympics is a STUPID investment

2018-06-08 20:38:26 UTC  


it literally doesn't pay off

as in as an economic success it doesn't actually make a profit

2018-06-08 20:38:47 UTC  


2018-06-08 20:38:54 UTC  

It’s idiotic

it has a whole other purpose

national unity or something like that

look at Beijing 2008

I don't think before 2008 people focused on China so much but 2008 Olympics brought a lot of attention to the rise of China.

2018-06-08 20:40:15 UTC  

Yeah, I guess

2018-06-08 20:40:21 UTC  

Still a dumb investment

2018-06-08 20:41:07 UTC  

The only countries that should have the Olympics are the nations that have the stadiums and facilities already in place

2018-06-08 20:41:11 UTC  

Change my mind

well i mean

Los Angeles then

but like Los Angeles is going to build **another stadium**

for the 2028 olympics

2018-06-08 20:41:31 UTC  


2018-06-08 20:41:43 UTC  

Gotta show that we’re *modern*

2018-06-08 20:41:59 UTC  

Flex on them poor ni🅱️🅱️as

2018-06-08 20:42:13 UTC  

That’s basically every Olympics ever lol

I think looking back on the 2012 Olympics it was the most pointless event imo.

2018-06-08 20:42:26 UTC  

How so

I mean i live in the UK and it wasn't actually that interesting tbh lol

not even when the torch relay passed in my area did i g i v e a f u c k

also it was a huge distraction from real issues like maybe you could've used that Olympic money you found (Tory government) to help the growing poverty of london instead?????

>money to build stadiums and shit
>no money to invest in education and sh1t

I mean it was 2 years of the Tory government telling us we don't have any extra money to spend in the s t a t e but suddenly finding lots of money to spend on a huge international event.

2018-06-08 20:53:28 UTC  

**You live in the South.**

2018-06-08 20:53:39 UTC  

**Your people are to blame for this shit.**

2018-06-08 20:54:34 UTC  

What does he mean by this

2018-06-08 20:54:39 UTC  

Pretty much everyone in Parliament is a Southerner and lacks any knowledge of the working class.

2018-06-08 20:55:02 UTC  

They're a bunch of rich bastards who continually fuck up and ruin everything for everyone.