Message from @UTP Vanux
Discord ID: 307000008216150017
*Not many females own land*
question for @iSpringfield
what is that
why are you in a fascist discord with me?
lol like the top 10 richest women in the world all inherited their fortunes from either their father, or their husbands
@neat bigot
As I said earlier, I agree with almost all of fascism's end goals
@Qaysar how about an invite mayne
I merely disagree with the ways many fascists, especially in that server, want to obtain them
end goals, possibly, but the means of getting there, nah
i don't agree with a lot of fascism
because a lot of it is incredibly stupid
Vanux what dont you agree with
racism and authoritarianism, to be specific
There's a difference between authoritarianism and totalitarianism
Our current government is pretty authoritarian
i'm not gonna critize a whole race for something like that
doing that with black people is mostly understandable
mostly because of the overwhelming amount of crime within their communities
but even with that, i do believe that individuals should be held responsible
You do?
not entire groups
it's not hard to tell that most blacks are fucking retards, but that's not all of them, am i wrong?
no, but you can still describe group behaviors and be accurate. Outliers are just that, outliers. Beyond the norm
i think a lot of it comes from culture, however, but i haven't done extensive reseach because i'm a lazy cunt
I think you're positions are incoherent
i see that a lot of them share the same ideals and whatnot, and based on what i've seen, it seems like they learn it from their parents, who learn it from theirs, etc
You're willing to judge people based on groups.... but only some groups
only if it's actually true
Do you think that race exists
yeah, of course
biological things do make us different
i really just don't get the whole thing with hating jews
@UTP Vanux bluepilled?
I don't *hate* them
nah fam