Message from @horts

Discord ID: 454382256400760835

2018-06-07 20:26:29 UTC  

If put that with an idealogy, it kind of shows you what's is wrong.

2018-06-07 20:27:36 UTC  

To me... I just fucking hate bankers and 16 top monopolies created by individuals in society and state.

2018-06-07 20:27:48 UTC  

me too

2018-06-07 20:28:20 UTC  

but you can't change society's material basis and keep it traditionalist at the same time

2018-06-07 20:28:28 UTC  

Only allow businesses that actually care about their workers, people, and nation.

2018-06-07 20:28:52 UTC  

the only thing businesses are set up for is profit

2018-06-07 20:28:56 UTC  

Well technically by shrinking the state's power in civil life and less individualistic focused laws yes you can.

2018-06-07 20:29:40 UTC  

As I see disolving parts of the state will benefit mutualists and libertarians of the right wing.

2018-06-07 20:29:42 UTC  

it's not about the state. it's about the environment people live in

2018-06-07 20:30:19 UTC  

Unless you count Affirmative action, Welfarism, and Feminism as apart of the state's power in civil and economic life.

2018-06-07 20:31:11 UTC  

Taxiation is theft of labor when you have people living off of the state thanks to certain race, sex, and "supposed disablity".

2018-06-07 20:31:35 UTC  

I hate how you can't get drug tested if live on government benefits, but when you work you get drug tested.

2018-06-07 20:31:39 UTC  

Isn't that bullshit?

2018-06-07 20:31:58 UTC  

it is but that's not what we were talking about

2018-06-07 20:32:14 UTC  

just pay your taxes so the state won't fix potholes

2018-06-07 20:32:28 UTC  

Don't you hate it when the state steals your labor to give it someone who does not work?

2018-06-07 20:32:37 UTC  

For me, I like roads, and believe should be public.

2018-06-07 20:32:38 UTC  

ofc I do

2018-06-07 20:32:42 UTC  

I don't mind that side of taxes.

2018-06-07 20:32:50 UTC  

Of course support education for the next generation

2018-06-07 20:32:51 UTC  

No I mean when the state gets taxes

2018-06-07 20:32:58 UTC  

but doesn't fix potholes

2018-06-07 20:33:00 UTC  

at all

2018-06-07 20:33:47 UTC  

the thing is the state doesn't represent the will and wishes of the people

2018-06-07 20:33:51 UTC  

I believe government isn't compotitent enough to fix roads.

2018-06-07 20:34:03 UTC  

Or fix civil life by adding government to it.

2018-06-07 20:34:04 UTC  


2018-06-07 20:34:26 UTC  

I am a very compitent senator mind you

2018-06-07 20:34:29 UTC  

I hate Welfarism specificly it's pretty damn liberal in social sense as you don't have to work, but you're also stealing.

2018-06-07 20:34:47 UTC  

From people who work at fast food joints and from general society.

2018-06-07 20:35:16 UTC  

no work no welfare

2018-06-07 20:35:20 UTC  

It's welfarism is the problem.

2018-06-07 20:35:39 UTC  

in the capitalist society work is seen not as a necessary thing, but as a punishment

2018-06-07 20:35:42 UTC  

Espically the person who lives and hasn't worked a day in their life.

2018-06-07 20:35:44 UTC  

that's the problem

2018-06-07 20:36:56 UTC  

I just hate supporting groups that live off of the state yet haven't worked a day in their life.

2018-06-07 20:37:24 UTC  

yeah, why go into deep analysis if you can just blame it on somebody

2018-06-07 20:37:26 UTC  

"haven't worked a day in their life."
**karl marx intensifies**

2018-06-07 20:37:55 UTC  

I hate how Murry Rothbard is guilty for this by having affirmative action.

2018-06-07 20:38:20 UTC  

> In his first few years in London the Marx family lived in extreme poverty, relying on money from Frederich Engels (who had revenue coming in from a family business - cotton industry I think) to make ends meet.

2018-06-07 20:40:18 UTC  

yes he basically relied on the exploitation of the workers