Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 457295526153551873

2018-06-15 21:26:52 UTC  

TIL strasserism isn't left wing because it's not internationalist

2018-06-15 21:27:19 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:27:20 UTC  

I'd say Fascism is on the left because fascism advocates total federal control, while capitalism on the right gives 0 power to the government

2018-06-15 21:27:22 UTC  

being a left-winger means advocating for a democratic society. leftists only differ in the degree of democracy they want. liberals want only political democracy, where political power belongs to the people. communists argue that this is not enough, and democracy in the economy is necessary too, because those who control the wealth control the politics. fascism isn't anything like that

2018-06-15 21:27:32 UTC  

left = democratic LOL

2018-06-15 21:27:36 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:27:40 UTC  

reading the rest though

2018-06-15 21:27:42 UTC  

Commies aren't democratic

Democratic ownership of the mesns of production
Not bourgeoisie democracy

Fuck bourgeoisie democracy

2018-06-15 21:28:16 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:28:19 UTC  

liberals want only political democracy, where political power belongs to the people. communists argue that this is not enough

2018-06-15 21:28:20 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:28:20 UTC  

Democratic ownership

2018-06-15 21:28:25 UTC  

*"liberals want only political democracy, where political power belongs to the people. communists argue that this is not enough"*

2018-06-15 21:28:27 UTC  

So not democratic at all?

2018-06-15 21:28:38 UTC  

*the people holding political power is not enough democracy*

2018-06-15 21:28:39 UTC  

w a t

Because the political power is a faux power

2018-06-15 21:29:06 UTC  

*democracy in the economy is necessary too, because those who control the wealth control the politics*

It's an.illusion and only in name

2018-06-15 21:29:09 UTC  

In communism the people hold 0 political or economic power

2018-06-15 21:29:19 UTC  

They work and don't get paid

2018-06-15 21:29:20 UTC  

who does then?

2018-06-15 21:29:28 UTC  

The political elite

2018-06-15 21:29:32 UTC  

The party leaders

2018-06-15 21:29:34 UTC  

that is the question

2018-06-15 21:29:39 UTC  

Your system is not without bias

2018-06-15 21:29:39 UTC  

and where does this elite come from?

2018-06-15 21:29:41 UTC  

who *does* hold power in communism?

Uhh no?

2018-06-15 21:29:49 UTC  

who's the big guy making sure everybody's staying communist?

2018-06-15 21:30:10 UTC  

It would theoretically be the leader of the revolution that made them communist

2018-06-15 21:30:20 UTC  

which would mean putting enforcement powers into 1 person

There is nothing driving a class conflict to arise further economic modes of production

2018-06-15 21:30:29 UTC  

which isn't democracy (correct me if im wrong)

2018-06-15 21:30:35 UTC  

It isn't

Fuck let me get on pc

2018-06-15 21:30:52 UTC  


2018-06-15 21:30:57 UTC  

who's keeping a communist country communist?