Message from @🦅 𝓔𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓔𝔂𝓮 🦅

Discord ID: 459177447401979905

they had a paintball war in the gym for the juniors and seniors

2018-06-21 02:06:10 UTC  

We had British bulldogs.

2018-06-21 02:06:12 UTC  


2018-06-21 02:06:15 UTC  

Still fucking do.

2018-06-21 02:06:18 UTC  

The school banned it.

2018-06-21 02:06:20 UTC  

We still do it.

there was like 15 Seniors and 19 Juniors

2018-06-21 02:06:23 UTC  

It's fucking great.

fucking peppering each other

2018-06-21 02:06:39 UTC  

Do you know what British bulldogs is?

you had to turn the CO2 down a shit ton though


2018-06-21 02:06:46 UTC  

It's basically wall tag,

2018-06-21 02:06:50 UTC  

but with rugby tackling.

2018-06-21 02:06:51 UTC  


uhm what

2018-06-21 02:06:58 UTC  

So you'd run from one end to the other,

2018-06-21 02:07:02 UTC  

and there would be BULLDOGS

2018-06-21 02:07:04 UTC  

Who try tackling you

2018-06-21 02:07:07 UTC  

and getting you out

I remember in football we played bull in the ring

2018-06-21 02:07:17 UTC  

And it can get very fucking violent lol

2018-06-21 02:07:31 UTC  

We also play red ass.

2018-06-21 02:07:33 UTC  


2018-06-21 02:07:41 UTC  

Ever played red ass?

2018-06-21 02:08:20 UTC  

Basically, in footie (English), you make a line, and have your back facing the ball and the kicker.

2018-06-21 02:08:27 UTC  

Then the kicker kicks it at the line,

2018-06-21 02:08:30 UTC  

and see who it hits,

2018-06-21 02:08:34 UTC  

whoever it hits is out,

2018-06-21 02:08:38 UTC  

and then becomes the kicker,

2018-06-21 02:08:42 UTC  

and so on and so on.

2018-06-21 02:08:42 UTC  


2018-06-21 02:08:54 UTC  

Called red ass because if it hits you on the ass it leaves a massive fucking mark.

2018-06-21 02:08:55 UTC  


2018-06-21 02:22:28 UTC  

That sounds like something id play

2018-06-21 03:18:45 UTC  

Idk why but it does

@kingjamestheterrible So I've decided I'd rather be an Empire than a militia lol

A militia turned Empire

Need to get some fools in my faction tho rip rip

2018-06-21 04:38:26 UTC  

The Grand Militia lol

2018-06-21 04:38:53 UTC  

Imperialist miltia