Message from @Pielover19

Discord ID: 498109889294630932

2018-10-06 06:56:36 UTC  

"That is why, as soon as Democrats regain power (which will happen sooner or later, despite the systematic rigging of elections in favor of Republicans), they must move to enact radical and sweeping systemic reforms such as admitting new states and splitting states (helps un-rig the Senate and also has an effect on the electoral college), and packing the Supreme Court and other courts, and instituting a national popular vote for President and abolishing the electoral college, and ultimately eliminating the 18th century relic of having 2 Senators per state regardless of population and making the Senate an actual representative and popularly elected legislative body."

2018-10-06 06:57:59 UTC

2018-10-06 06:59:42 UTC

2018-10-06 07:00:34 UTC

2018-10-06 07:01:23 UTC

2018-10-06 07:01:39 UTC

2018-10-06 07:08:55 UTC

2018-10-06 07:13:02 UTC

2018-10-06 07:36:58 UTC

2018-10-06 07:37:24 UTC

2018-10-06 07:37:33 UTC

2018-10-06 07:40:25 UTC

2018-10-06 07:40:46 UTC  

Organ pipe cactus

2018-10-06 07:41:15 UTC

2018-10-06 07:41:30 UTC

2018-10-06 07:41:33 UTC

2018-10-06 07:42:35 UTC

2018-10-06 07:43:21 UTC

2018-10-06 07:45:21 UTC

2018-10-06 07:45:22 UTC

2018-10-06 12:30:52 UTC  


2018-10-06 12:31:00 UTC  

Kyle is still here!

2018-10-06 13:00:27 UTC  

I noticed that too

2018-10-06 13:01:49 UTC

2018-10-07 09:05:46 UTC  

Economist Paul Krugman has argued that Japan's lost decade is an example of a liquidity trap (a situation in which monetary policy is unable to lower nominal interest rates because these are close to zero). He explained how truly massive the asset bubble was in Japan by 1990, with a tripling of land and stock market prices during the prosperous 1980s. Japan's high personal savings rates, driven in part by the demographics of an aging population, enabled Japanese firms to rely heavily on traditional bank loans from supporting banking networks, as opposed to issuing stock or bonds via the capital markets to acquire funds. The cozy relationship of corporations to banks and the implicit guarantee of a taxpayer bailout of bank deposits created a significant moral hazard problem, leading to an atmosphere of crony capitalism and reduced lending standards. In so doing they helped inflate the bubble economy to grotesque proportions." The Bank of Japan began increasing interest rates in 1990 due in part to concerns over the bubble and in 1991 land and stock prices began a steep decline, within a few years reaching 60% below their peak.[10]

2018-10-07 09:19:01 UTC

2018-10-07 09:24:02 UTC

2018-10-07 09:25:05 UTC

2018-10-07 12:41:32 UTC

2018-10-09 21:55:22 UTC  

We're going to take a look at this debate later tonight

2018-10-09 21:55:35 UTC  

I'm watching it right now...Leah Vukmir seems to have the clear upper hand so far

2018-10-09 21:55:44 UTC  

Tammy Baldwin comes off as a sleepy office lady

2018-10-09 21:56:03 UTC  

who is reciting memorized lines

2018-10-09 21:56:13 UTC  

while not responding to any of Vukmir's attacks

2018-10-09 21:56:21 UTC  

Vukmir at least has some spunk and personality

2018-10-09 21:56:31 UTC  

and she is attacking Baldwin hard

2018-10-09 21:56:55 UTC  

and Baldwin is behaving as she doesn't realize she's being attacked

2018-10-09 22:04:25 UTC  

<@&462745116768075776> is anyone open to a Voice Chat starting at 7pm Eastern Time to go over that debate and discuss other important topics ?