Message from @sard.synd
Discord ID: 414694190195146752
like me
Implying I would subscribe to an ideology
Take the Nihilism pill my dude
implying attempts to enforce anarchy wouldnt involve heirachy
implying anarchy wouldnt just be steam rolled by a collective ideology that places the good of the whole over the good of the individual
In many ways the savage tribes the europeans have steamrolled over the years were anarchist, or at least as close as humans can get, with tribal living and all. doesnt work out well when people who have complex societies and ingroup preferences then steam roll those anarchistic tribal societies.
I'm detaining you
Sit on the curb goy
you cant, im an article 9 section 3 freeman in the free state of freedom
its says so in the articles of confreedomration
*Clicks cuffs* STOP RESISTING
i do not consent
*hits knee way too hard on cement wresting you*
you are arresting the corporate entity markus, the person markus is not under arrest
*punches @Sacramento*
*Pulls gun out*
*Aims at @Sacramento*
Don't touch him
*hits walkie* need backup NOW on a street
guns are created with the heirarchy...
Statist swine
*troubled breathing*
killing implies exerting archy
*Shoots neck*
*liquid filing lungs*
*Shoots heart*
are you imposing your will on him? i knew you werent a real anarchist
*choking on blood*
do you have a choking on blood permit?
*sirens in the distance*
*Sacramento shoot multiple times*
this got dark really quick
*goys surrounded while debating anarchism and beating a dead horse*
*Pulls out mg*
@sard.synd*shot to death*