Message from @^Kevin^

Discord ID: 494465274553303045

2018-09-26 11:02:44 UTC  

I imagine if you paid the right people and already know the earth is flat it would give you better access

2018-09-26 11:02:55 UTC  


2018-09-26 11:03:05 UTC  

i had a flat earther say that i cant design a CPU because it takes thousand of people to design one

2018-09-26 11:03:19 UTC  

have you actually tried doing that, kevin?

2018-09-26 11:04:02 UTC  

you can design a CPU, but cpu requires a motherboard to work

2018-09-26 11:04:20 UTC  


2018-09-26 11:04:23 UTC  

depending on how big you want to make it

2018-09-26 11:04:30 UTC  


2018-09-26 11:04:48 UTC  

you need a motherboard of some type to house the cpu

2018-09-26 11:05:10 UTC  

the design i have is small enugh that you could probably fit a few hundred thousand of them on a standard intel die

2018-09-26 11:05:17 UTC  

if you are trying to design a new type of architecture than scale will matter

2018-09-26 11:05:43 UTC  

going to be tough trying to minutarize new hardware

2018-09-26 11:06:28 UTC  

yo ucan design it on paper, but to actually build a prototype would take money and effort

2018-09-26 11:06:47 UTC  

and to not have it fill several rooms with ancient tech would require more than one person

2018-09-26 11:07:15 UTC  

well i have an FPGA

2018-09-26 11:07:21 UTC  

i can test thousands of designs on it

2018-09-26 11:07:47 UTC  

your not building a computer solo with new hardware by yourself, like new hardware would require help

2018-09-26 11:08:02 UTC  

is FPGA some prototyping software?

2018-09-26 11:08:04 UTC  

im designing new hardware

2018-09-26 11:08:25 UTC  

an FPGA is a type of chip that has all the logic gates on it

2018-09-26 11:08:28 UTC  

planning and implementing are two different animals

2018-09-26 11:08:38 UTC  

and you basicly "burn" the logic into it

2018-09-26 11:09:06 UTC  

FPGA = field programable gate aray

2018-09-26 11:09:14 UTC  

that doesn't sound like new hardawre

2018-09-26 11:09:24 UTC  

that sounds like using existing hardware that has already been developed

2018-09-26 11:09:27 UTC  

it can run at a few megahrz

2018-09-26 11:09:57 UTC  

the FPGA is a way to test an archetecture

2018-09-26 11:10:03 UTC  

its not the hardware itself

2018-09-26 11:10:09 UTC  

but it emulates the hardware itself

2018-09-26 11:10:27 UTC  

your burning routs for data to flow in it

2018-09-26 11:10:36 UTC  

the logic gates are there

2018-09-26 11:11:08 UTC  

the way to actually get real hardware is to ask a company to burn an asic for me

2018-09-26 11:11:16 UTC  

that cost a few hundred dollars tho

2018-09-26 11:11:24 UTC  

you have to buy batches

2018-09-26 11:11:38 UTC  

they actually built new types of hardware for making neural nets

2018-09-26 11:11:40 UTC  

for AI

2018-09-26 11:11:51 UTC  

an asic is basicly all the gates and you actually burn the wires in

2018-09-26 11:12:00 UTC  


2018-09-26 11:12:09 UTC  

and those where probably first tested on an fpga

2018-09-26 11:12:13 UTC  

then asic

2018-09-26 11:12:31 UTC  

then eventually direct silicon