Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 533880249625083933
hey guys ive been to space and earth is a sphere
See, there I would ask for evidence that proves that statement, and if you have indeed done what you claim, you wouldnt have an issue providing that evidence.
im talking to z
he believed that comment now he has to believe me
I posted it so I could watch you guys flail
thats mean
y are y mean
If regular people can see farther than the globe should allow, why couldn't a periscope ?
I am mean
u are citizen z
N u r satan
im mario
That must be a real shooter
25 miles did account for curvature?
What shit
the laser retro reflectors cannot be used as proofs of a moon landing. they bounced lasers off the moon before apollo. if they can do it before there is no reason to believe a reflector was needed to bounce a laser.
I wonder what kind of accuracy its claimed to provide. If its only a little bit, then yea, Id say whats the point.
Considering the earth is said to be spinning and the moon is orbiting, I dont see what kind of accuracy it could have
Even a few seconds it would be miles off
I think things might be bouncing off the moon, it doesn't prove much to me
I didn't mean to
Mean to what?
Sun in front of horizon