Message from @Citizen Z

Discord ID: 543886390446915585

2019-02-09 20:04:34 UTC  

i just want to say, that is a great name

2019-02-09 20:04:42 UTC  

and prior to now, there has only been supposedly like 500 people to ever goto "space" and of those only like 20 went to cis lunar space

2019-02-09 20:05:10 UTC  

I'm not aware of cis lunar space.

2019-02-09 20:05:29 UTC  

a small amount of people compared to the 100s of billions of people to come cradle to grave on this earth

2019-02-09 20:05:50 UTC

2019-02-09 20:05:51 UTC  

so could 500 people lie. YES

2019-02-09 20:06:14 UTC  

cis lunar space is the space between earth and the moon

2019-02-09 20:06:20 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:06:22 UTC  

Oh that's what you mean.

2019-02-09 20:06:32 UTC  

techincally everyone been between the earth and the moon

2019-02-09 20:06:33 UTC  

LEO is low earth orbit, thats not space

2019-02-09 20:06:48 UTC  

cis lunar means beyond LEO

2019-02-09 20:06:52 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:07:11 UTC  

which is a certain amount or miles

2019-02-09 20:07:54 UTC  

dont recall wehn LEO ends

2019-02-09 20:07:56 UTC

2019-02-09 20:08:10 UTC

2019-02-09 20:09:29 UTC  

Let's take another step back then from space and the outside of the earth. There are things about earth that itself suggested that the earth was round before anyone even went to space.

2019-02-09 20:09:35 UTC  

Do you know any of these?

2019-02-09 20:09:38 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:10:20 UTC  

a bunch of asummptions and mathematical constructs created by atheists and sun worshipers

2019-02-09 20:10:46 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:10:53 UTC  

which would you like to discuss?

2019-02-09 20:11:15 UTC  

sticks? or more complex things like retrograde motion?

2019-02-09 20:11:34 UTC  

i like sticks

2019-02-09 20:11:37 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:11:46 UTC  

I don't think it would be worth the effort to go into anything else just based on your former sentence.

2019-02-09 20:11:54 UTC  


2019-02-09 20:12:02 UTC  

this is a debate channel

2019-02-09 20:12:30 UTC  

what things tell you that the earth is a globe?

2019-02-09 20:12:51 UTC  

things we can directly observer and count as evidence

2019-02-09 20:13:50 UTC  

boats over horizon? thats just how light works. shallow angles of light will become unresolvable at .02 degrees, once the angle is shallow enough, that light just appears to be a line or edge.

2019-02-09 20:15:01 UTC  

eratosthenes sticks? well ihe made 5 assumptions, none of which were accurate. he assumed the earth is round for one. if he assumed the earth was flat and the sun was closer, he would have come upm with similar results mathematically

2019-02-09 20:15:34 UTC  

no one has ever measured the radius of the assumed globe

2019-02-09 20:15:44 UTC  

If things we directly observe count as evidence, that would make the earth a globe by default.

2019-02-09 20:16:33 UTC  

it would, but we dont observer a globe, we observe a flat level plane.

2019-02-09 20:17:38 UTC  

the globe is a simple model, it assumes a bunch, then because of optics and misunderstanding of technology, everyone thinks is easily proven a globe

2019-02-09 20:18:06 UTC  

the world is very complex

2019-02-09 20:18:11 UTC  

I'm confused then, why is everything else dismissed when it is done on earth?

2019-02-09 20:18:24 UTC  

whats dismissed?

2019-02-09 20:18:37 UTC  

nothing is dismissed.