Message from @tha cheeseburger
Discord ID: 549999513226706984
Norway has very low crime rate, very few prisoners and is one of the safest countries
If you imprison an innocent person, and figure it out. You can reimburse them.
@tha cheeseburger What is their secret to low crime?
U.S. struggles with it much more
Few commit crimes after leaving
They give out education as well
I think mandatory rehab would be a much better alternative than minimum sentencing for the drug war.
Their biggest prison is just a few wooden houses on a island and a few guards
No one has broken out it works really well, u don't have a reason to leave
They can just have casual conversations with the guards, they have no guns on them I think
Places like Guantanamo bay used to torture prisoners, U.S. based.
Every prison system should be like Norway's
The CIA used to waterboarding to simulate drowning to force suspected terrorists to give out information.
Yes and how else could they have gotten info
They actually did studies on torture
And found out it isn't very effective
The prisoners often gave out false information
The prison system in the UK where I live is just shit
The U.S. has more prisoners than any other country I think
U can get a few years by just having a knife outside
Yea it's the country of the free and it's has the most people in prison
America sounds like a shit place rn, u don't even have free health care
Whats going on here
Anyone want to debate on something else
Debating capital punishments
Sure what?
What religion u have
I'm a Mormon
i don't believe in religion
I'm against religion
hell yeah
tbh i dont really care
I am Jewish ethnically
Religion is harmful
But atheist