Message from @ZeroT
Discord ID: 552502390020898828
My friend
The gravity is pulling down the atmosphere
Which is also why the atmosphere gets thinner the further you go away from the earth
@ZeroT I suggest you post evidence to support your claims from now on. If I see nothing but sheer arrogant rhetoric from you in the future...with nothing to back it, you will be hearing from me. Am I understood?
the evidence is in the gravitational force that compels all objects near the earths surface to accelerate towards it at a rate of 9.8ms^-2
but this gravitational force has been observed to get weaker the further you get from the earth's surface
meaning that the obligation for the gas particles to 'stay down' is less, the higher you go
Baby Murder is not wrong
mere high school-level experiments and equations are able to verify this
Am I understood?
@Citizen Z dude
Pressure is defined as a state of gases in a system
Plus, we can prove gravity
@The Gwench this is a basic understanding of physics that doesn't need any backing up
You can't say phisics aren't real and then try to prove your statement with physics
It doesn't work that way
@Citizen Z you should know that atmosphere is gradual! It's not like the pressure is the same and then suddenly there is almost no pressure. No! If it would be like that I really had to say you are true
Because of the gradual change in pressure, this is irrelevant. And do you know why the atmosphere is gradual? Because the influence of gravity changes the further you go away from eart
@ShadyMasterJ thank you
@Citizen Z tell me why?
Show me gas pressure next to a vacuum
You know that people that try to climb the mount Everest need oxygen to climb up
Dude I've been arguing with these guys since last yearish presenting the exact same arguments as you, just warning won't get anywhere
@Citizen Z man, did you just read my arguments
Then prove warped space-time is gravity
@ShadyMasterJ it is important to argue